Is Donald Damaging Race Relations?

In race-baiting regressives' point of view, yes. For everyone else, no.
Race relations were already on a downward spiral. Groups like BLM were already well established and hating.

Also these ducking nazi clowns appear to have come out of the woodwork. I would say hes made it worse, but hes certainly made the platform more open.
So you think Obama mentioning black and brown people was bad for race relations? How so?
Every time is was in context of how the country is unfair to them and whitey's out to get them. "We can't deny people education and opportunity just because they don't look us". Then of course saying Trayvon could have been his son as well. Then shitting on cops at a service for murdered cops.
This is mainly to the conservative posters, as I know almost all of the liberals will say yes.

Obama gets a lot of flack from the Right for sort of opening old racial wounds. In light of that, I have a few questions:

1. Has Donald damaged race relations?
2. If yes, has he damaged them as much as Obama?
3. If no, what would have to happen/what would he have to do in order for us to determine whether he has objectively damaged them worse than Obama?

Before Obama took office 2/3rds of americans thought race relations were good or improving. After Obama this dropped to 1/3rd.

BLM was fully functioning in the middle of Obama's president.
Kind of what I said imo. The existence, form, implications, and consequences of political leadership strongly depend on how a particular political entity is perceived.
There obviously is an interaction between power perceived as political authority and obedience.
Of course acknowledging political legitimacy isn't the only reason to obey a leader.
But we all agree that Trump didn't pass a law, backed by the threat of force, which undeniably influenced race relations. So if anything he communicates (without the threat or use of force) significantly influences something that depends on individuals' behavior and mentality, it's obviously because they decided to care about what he said. This influence/leverage is absolutely nonaxiomatic and nonintuitive, why would I as a free individual care about something one other individual says? If it happens outside of his powers as a political leader, outside of what I have to comply with, why would I want to care? But our society or more precisely a lot of individuals obviously do. "He's the president!!!"
So my question was: isn't there a rather obvious problem with how we deal with political authority? Isn't that the actual problem which is only exposed when a ruffian like Trump manages to secure the position of a political leader?

Interesting position.

In answer to your last two questions, I'd say yes and no. Mainly no. I'm stepping beyond my very limited expertise here, but I think its an important part of being human to participate in collective, informal agreements. This is how we have religion and economy and so many other institutions. They don't exist, and their only power comes from the fact that we all pretend they exist and have power. It can be annoying that we do this and tempting to wish us better, but we literally always do and wishing better may be as unreasonable as wishing monkeys didn't throw their feces; we're just animals after all.
CNN has a gay Republican commentator who defends Trump and it's ironic because Trump is anti-gay.
CNN has a gay Republican commentator who defends Trump and it's ironic because Trump is anti-gay.
What would you consider anti-gay? Not letting transgenders be in the military? That's all he's done.
Before Obama took office 2/3rds of americans thought race relations were good or improving. After Obama this dropped to 1/3rd.

BLM was fully functioning in the middle of Obama's president.

You didn't answer any of the questions. Did you mean to quote someone else?
Every time is was in context of how the country is unfair to them and whitey's out to get them. "We can't deny people education and opportunity just because they don't look us". Then of course saying Trayvon could have been his son as well. Then shitting on cops at a service for murdered cops.

Yes, but how did any of this damage race relations? Are you saying that black or brown people didn't think the country was unfair to them until Obama said it? Were there black or brown people who thought the country was fair that changed their mind because of Obama's comments?

How does saying that Trayvon Martin could have been his son damage race relations? What are the actual effects of these comments that you feel hurt race relations?
I would say that it's a mistake that either Obama or Trump have caused a "decline" in race relations. It's more so the tendency of the media to "racialize" a lot of the comments made by public figures, for the purpose of making profit or causing controversy, that is causing this so-called decline (which probably isn't even happening).

Based on all available statistics, that document racially motivated crime or discrimination, I would say that race relations are as good as they've ever been. Certainly much better than some 30 or 40 years ago. There are no "good old days" to look back upon.

Are there always going to be some racial tensions in a multi-ethnic society, and some hustlers looking to make a profit off of that? Sure. Now just get the fuck over it. It's never going to be a perfect existence.
You didn't answer any of the questions. Did you mean to quote someone else?

What I meant was it was in the process of being damaged before he got into office. Now, looking at the trajectory we were going under Obama, I think Trump is hurting race relations less than if we had another 4 years of Obama.

Now, I would say the #1 entity damaging race relations is the leftist media. They are far and above anything Trump is doing.

Now, Trump is damaging race relations not by action or policy, but by simply being a president that the leftist media calls RACIST and he is a republican which is what the leftist media calls RACIST.

So you see how it is a difficult situation. If Hillary is elected she promotes the idea of blacks being victims of white and blaming all their issues on whites.
If a republican is president then the leftist media does bullshit stories to say republicans are racist.

Does that answer it? Did you have an answer?
I genuinely don't believe Trump has done anything to damage race relations, unless you believe fake news about how he won't condemn white supremacists, etc. He's made it clear since day 1 that he wants to help all Americans. The main difference is how far left the media and the Democratic Party have gone, to the point that they are vilifying things that would not have been the least bit controversial even 10 years ago (border wall, etc.).
This is what happens when you vote a dotard in as potus.
What I meant was it was in the process of being damaged before he got into office. Now, looking at the trajectory we were going under Obama, I think Trump is hurting race relations less than if we had another 4 years of Obama.

Now, I would say the #1 entity damaging race relations is the leftist media. They are far and above anything Trump is doing.

Now, Trump is damaging race relations not by action or policy, but by simply being a president that the leftist media calls RACIST and he is a republican which is what the leftist media calls RACIST.

So you see how it is a difficult situation. If Hillary is elected she promotes the idea of blacks being victims of white and blaming all their issues on whites.
If a republican is president then the leftist media does bullshit stories to say republicans are racist.

Does that answer it? Did you have an answer?

Ah, I see your stance. It's a strange one, though. Correct me if I'm wrong, but you're basically saying that when Democrats are in office they damage race relations and when the Republicans are in office, the media damages race relations. Are you a Republican? If you are, doesn't that seem a bit weird that your side only inherits problems and never creates them? It seems like you're being self-serving. Couldn't one just say that it was the media's fault under Obama?
I genuinely don't believe Trump has done anything to damage race relations, unless you believe fake news about how he won't condemn white supremacists, etc. He's made it clear since day 1 that he wants to help all Americans. The main difference is how far left the media and the Democratic Party have gone, to the point that they are vilifying things that would not have been the least bit controversial even 10 years ago (border wall, etc.).

What could he do that would damage race relations? And how exactly would you quantify that? For example, what if he said something that you didn't find offensive, but that a lot of people of another race did? Would that count as damaging race relations? Does helping all Americans also require not offending certain racial groups?
Ah, I see your stance. It's a strange one, though. Correct me if I'm wrong, but you're basically saying that when Democrats are in office they damage race relations and when the Republicans are in office, the media damages race relations. Are you a Republican? If you are, doesn't that seem a bit weird that your side only inherits problems and never creates them? It seems like you're being self-serving. Couldn't one just say that it was the media's fault under Obama?

I would say Obama hurt race relations when he said "it could have been my son"
I think when he lets them riot in fergusson
I think that both Obama and Hillary played the white privilege and victimization cards

Now, I don't think republicans pander and don't hand out the victim card and do not say one race is there to keep down the other races.

As far as provable racism goes, the democrats are so fucking far beyond the republicans that the republicans could never even be close to the dems even if they tried as hard as they could.

Democrats are the original white supremacist party.
I blame the rise of things like anonymous message boards and comment sections along with social media for the state of race relations. Giving a loud voice to the worst people has really caused a lot of issues. I don't think Trump is racist and I do not find his policies per se racist, but he seriously took advantage of our poor race relations and based his whole campaign on identity politics. What the right blames the media for doing in terms of race relations Trump did with his campaign. But in the end it all started with the people's own interaction.

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