Is Conor bi-polar?

The Legendary Scarface

Record since UFC 266 : 60-40
Apr 5, 2019
Reaction score
Idk. I've always found his behavior, even on stage and for a showman, to be strangely excessive. I know the general consensus amongst sherscientists is that he's just a product of getting too rich, famous and using drugs but I'm skeptical it's just that.

He's always seemed at least slightly out of control to me. And he's either rambling about how grandious his achievements are or he turns into that buddha prayer emoji Conor we see on occasion when he's all grateful and thanking God while clasping his hands together. You guys know what I'm talking about.

Am I looking too much into it?
Have I turned into the typical moron Sherdogger and I'm just unaware ?
Well, I know people who turned strange, twitchy and volatile due to drugs, but Conor has money for the good stuff. Maybe he had issues before as well, maybe it was just an act. He did come off as a decent person from time to time, especially when he was climbing the ladder.
Meet the world's first tri-polar....
Idk. I've always found his behavior, even on stage and for a showman, to be strangely excessive. I know the general consensus amongst sherscientists is that he's just a product of getting too rich, famous and using drugs but I'm skeptical it's just that.

He's always seemed at least slightly out of control to me. And he's either rambling about how grandious his achievements are or he turns into that buddha prayer emoji Conor we see on occasion when he's all grateful and thanking God while clasping his hands together. You guys know what I'm talking about.

Am I looking too much into it?
Have I turned into the typical moron Sherdogger and I'm just unaware ?

Bipolar is a bit of a random shout?

He might have ADHD though which would also potentially explain his substance abuse. People with ADHD make up 25 percent of all alcoholics and drug addicts. Consider also that many, many, many people with ADHD go undiagnosed, when really what it centres around is dopamine deficiency/processing, and yeah. Chances are reasonably high for Conor.
Idk. I've always found his behavior, even on stage and for a showman, to be strangely excessive. I know the general consensus amongst sherscientists is that he's just a product of getting too rich, famous and using drugs but I'm skeptical it's just that.

He's always seemed at least slightly out of control to me. And he's either rambling about how grandious his achievements are or he turns into that buddha prayer emoji Conor we see on occasion when he's all grateful and thanking God while clasping his hands together. You guys know what I'm talking about.

Am I looking too much into it?
Have I turned into the typical moron Sherdogger and I'm just unaware ?
I can say with 100% certitude that psychostimulant drugs abuse can lead to symptoms (and therefore a behavior) that ressembles extremely closely to hypomania, or even mania. Long-term use of such drugs (amphetamines and cocaïne typically, but it depends of what's available where you live ; with tons of money though, there's no real reason to do anything else than cocaïne as far as stimulants go. But that's just my opinion) can fuck with your mood, but I wouldn’t go as far as saying that it's clinically similar to a full-blown depression. It is terrible for your mental and physical health though.
Throughout his career he has done a lot of calculated heel and face turns. As far as having a personality disorder, narcissism seems likely.
Narcissist - definately
Some sort of metal illness - definately

Bipolar? Could as well be
Can't remember him ever having any depressive episodes. It's more likely he's amped on coco all the time.
He designed himself an in-game avatar/character to play, complete with amped up personality.

The money and fame that followed this implementation made him believe he really was that character, and he chose to embrace living life as that character.
