Is anyone else cursed with good looks?


Brown Belt
Jan 5, 2017
Reaction score
Sad to say it but I’ve unfortunately been gifted with good looks. I look like I’m still in college even though I graduated 30 years ago. Girls don’t talk to me once they find out I’m taken. I hate seeing hope in their faces and just completely shutting them down. It breaks my heart. Also dudes hit on me all the time and I turn them down as well.

To all the good looking guys out there, what do you guys do so you don’t get attention in public? I have to find a way to make myself look less attractive so I can blend in more with the general public. Thanks in advance Sherbros.
I wouldn't call it a curse, just something you deal with. I notice it a lot more when I'm in a smaller town; like right now I'm in Reno and there definitely aren't too many people that look like me. I end up having to ignore women trying to get my attention and dudes looking at me sideways. It is what it is. Back home in Houston it's not as much as when I was in my 20's and 30's, but its still there to a degree. If you ever need another beautiful person to talk to about beautiful person problems, just shoot me a pm OP.
Yep, it doesn't suck.

Also, I have good ear genetics... in my almost 42 years I've received black belts in Tae Kwon Do, Tang Soo Do, train Muay Thai and boxing, wrestled, done Judo, and am a BJJ black belt (received in December of 2023) and not even a little bit of cauliflower ear.

I get clowned on by the grapplers for it, until I hit 'em with a hard Harai Goshi off their lazy dumb-ass single.

I wouldn't call it a curse, just something you deal with. I notice it a lot more when I'm in a smaller town; like right now I'm in Reno and there definitely aren't too many people that look like me. I end up having to ignore women trying to get my attention and dudes looking at me sideways. It is what it is. Back home in Houston it's not as much as when I was in my 20's and 30's, but its still there to a degree. If you ever need another beautiful person to talk to about beautiful person problems, just shoot me a pm OP.

Thank you for that perspective brother. I’m glad that I’m not only one having this issue.

I went to a Halloween maze recently with a date. This sounds really fake but two girls by themselves asked us if they can hang out with us cus they were scared. We went to mazes together and the two girls started holding my biceps and then my hands later on.

I tried to calm my date and tell her that they were just scared. Understandably, She was pissed. To top it off, I saw one of the girls working at a restaurant. She was serving my table.

It’s a tough life we live that not many people can understand.
Thank you for that perspective brother. I’m glad that I’m not only one having this issue.

I went to a Halloween maze recently with a date. This sounds really fake but two girls by themselves asked us if they can hang out with us cus they were scared. We went to mazes together and the two girls started holding my biceps and then my hands later on.

I tried to calm my date and tell her that they were just scared. Understandably, She was pissed. To top it off, I saw one of the girls working at a restaurant. She was serving my table.

It’s a tough life we live that not many people can understand.
Doesn't sound fake at all bro, it happens. Girls are much more comfortable with a handsome man, even more so if he's with another girl. I would suggest curbing them unless you know for a fact your girl is not at all the jealous type, which is very rare. I know it's very tempting to let it happen and enjoy the attention, but you have to ask yourself if it's worth it. Keep your head up bro, it's all about perspective and how you handle shit.
