Is anyone else annoyed on how many times Sherdog freezes on you due to Scripts?

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Making that money, to get them honeys.
Dec 29, 2015
Reaction score
This is driving my crazy. I have to use task manager each and everytime in order to stop getting the Scrip bug message. I say we start a petition and a senior mod can send this to a Sherdog CEO or his employer.
I live in the midwest usa and have att internet, never a problem
You need a new computer. I haven't had to kill things in Task Manager since Windows 95.
You need a new computer. I haven't had to kill things in Task Manager since Windows 95.

I dont get it though, I have an i5-5200U CPU @2.20GHZ, RAM=6GB. Yeah it wasnt the most expensive one but I think it is pretty good. It costed me though 450$ at best buy about 2 years ago. Its an HP
I dont get it though, I have an i5-5200U CPU @2.20GHZ, RAM=6GB. Yeah it wasnt the most expensive one but I think it is pretty good. It costed me though 450$ at best buy about 2 years ago. Its an HP

U are definitely not a top 10 stockbroker then

Aww it took out my teasing smiley :p
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The script for Silence of the lambs is a good read.........
Had the broken script thing before on here. Didn't seem like it was related to the machine I was running on or the speed of my IP. Never had to use the task manager though.
My biggest complaint is lately is the popups every time you accidentally drag your mouse across an advertisement.
Ya, I have the same issue, I would go into more detail but it will likely crash in the middle. all other sites I use are fine. That's why I don't come here as often anymore.
I'll call in the bigger guns for this one. Hey @Tachy.

Yes it only works smoothly on my mobile phone, my laptop always has problems with scripts and its s fairly new decent laptop
I've had problems on this site also.
It doesn't happen on my laptop, but it happens all the time on my crappy windows surface tablet. The surface tablet is a piece of shit.
This is different than the script thing that comes up on the bottom of the Sherdog site so it might not be the same problem ya’ll are describing, but we’d get a popup on lots of other sites that said something about a script & we’d have to click “yes or no” to keep the script running or shut it down. My wife googled it & did an adjustment to our “Active X filtering” & now we don’t get them any more.

Still, I have to type out messagez on a word document & then paste it into Sherdog because the forum can’t keep up with my typing. Even if I wait a moment sometimes it won’t even register one or 2 keystrokes.
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