Is all Xyience crap? The thread.

Matt Thornton

Amateur Fighter
Sep 2, 2004
Reaction score
Alright, here's the deal. I have to admit when I first saw the ads for Xyience (the really old, crappy ones; not these new Spike TV ones), I was mildly interested. I started seeing more of it as I continued watching UFC. But I see Sherdoggers say time and time again that it's absolute crap. I want to start a thread that rates, reviews, and gives opinions on each separate Xyience product. Plus, there are some things about the products I really want to know. I'll continue to update the thread, but PLEASE contribute, because I really would like to hear more about these supplements.

Here's the one Xyience is constantly advertising. It's a weird name, and it gives promises of increasing your "pump."

I am really interested in this product. After wrestling starts, I'm starting a 16 week strength and mass cycle, so I can get my skinny ass stronger. I make whey protein a staple of my diet, but I was looking into creatine.

NOX-CG3 has 3 easily absorbed creatines in it. Hence the "C" in "CG3"

BUT, I was looking around on, and lots of lifters also recommend taking a form of L-Glutamine. NOX-CG3 also has 3 forms of Glutamine in it; hence the "G" in "CG3."

So already, we have a combination of L-Glutamine and Creatine.

Many lifters also recommend taking a form of Nitric Oxide boosters, such as NO-Xplode. NOX-CG3 has 3 Nitric Oxide Boosters.

So what we have is a combination of 3 highly recommended supplements, in 3 different forms, all in one supplement. Am I missing something here? This sounds pretty convenient, and a lot less time and money consuming than buying 3 different creatines, 3 different glutamines, and 3 different nitric oxide boosters.

Has anyone actually tried NOX-CG3 before bashing it? I have a friend who has gotten excellent results from using creatine, L-Glutamine, and NO-Xplode. This seems to have basically all of that in it.

X-Treme Carb/Fat Blocker
Now this one sounds like a total load of B.S. It claims to block up to 1600 calories from sugars, starches, and fats, using the mysterious "northern white kidney bean."

I pretty much waved this one off, but to be sure, I figured I'd run a search on what they were putting in this stuff.

Here's what surprised me: they actually might be holding some truth in that promise. Northern White Kidney Bean, according to Xyience, has an "anti-alpha amylase metabolite" in it that supposedly blocks carbs and fats. I ran a search on "anti-alpha amylase" and found this:


The effect of dietary anti-alpha-amylase on some aspects of lipid metabolism has been studied after having shown that rats fed proteins from legumes containing anti-alpha-amylase (to cover one-third of the protein quota in the diet) failed to absorb carbohydrates contained in starch to the point that the total caloric intake was sharply reduced and their growth stunted. Upon feeding rats anti-alpha-amylase, destruction of fatty deposits was observed.

Anti-alpha amylase apparently does have an effect. I would really like to test this product and see if it works at all. Even if it only blocked 400 calories, I would seriously not mind using that on a cheat day.

Alright guys, I gotta go train for now. But I'll be back to write more. In the meantime, please write a review for any Xyience product you've tested, or anything you've heard about it. Any real information is greatly appreciated.
Ice, I like ya and all bro but I thought I mentioned this before. Nothing's official unless it's started by an official. Which you just ain't.

But to answer the question, Xyience = garbage, yes.
King Kabuki said:
But to answer the question, Xyience = garbage, yes.

How can that be? I just saw Tim Silvia announce after he won his match last week, that he's become such a better fighter since he started using Xyience. And did you see how good his mohawk looked?
fat_wilhelm said:
How can that be? I just saw Tim Silvia announce after he won his match last week, that he's become such a better fighter since he started using Xyience. And did you see how good his mohawk looked?

Best post in this forum yet. But KK, he's got ya on this one. LOL
How can that be? I just saw Tim Silvia announce after he won his match last week, that he's become such a better fighter since he started using Xyience. And did you see how good his mohawk looked?

I was more interested in those shredded 6-pack abs and complete pump of energy. Clearly he's been taking his X-treme fat-burner and his NOX-CG318301047201`-83791 + 2/5.
if that fat blocker shit worked, you would get diarhea so bad your entire lower torso would hemmorage. tell us how that goes.

as for the first product, it basically just seems like NO+creatine and L glutamine. glutamine isn't really useful. Its hotly debated, but even if it had a use, it still wouldn't be worth the small amount of cash to buy it.

Check the prices. NO works, creatine works. but xyience just looks like fancied up shit that works just as good as costco shit
too much glutamine works against the NO doesnt it?
King Kabuki said:
Ice, I like ya and all bro but I thought I mentioned this before. Nothing's official unless it's started by an official. Which you just ain't.

Sorry Kabuki. Did you mention it before? I don't remember you telling me that. I won't start another "official" thread, sorry about that.
Sorry Kabuki. Did you mention it before? I don't remember you telling me that. I won't start another "official" thread, sorry about that.

Yeah I posted it in your Capoeira Conditioning thread I think. It's alright. Just if you want to make an Official thread get the go-ahead from a Mod...otherwise you might be stepping on toes.
xinster said:
glutamine isn't really useful. Its hotly debated, but even if it had a use, it still wouldn't be worth the small amount of cash to buy it.

care to explain that load of crap you just laid on us?
I am currently taking Xyience XTEST (about 2 weeks now). Sometimes I feel like I have extra energy and confidence - maybe extra testosterone? My guess is that it is in my head. If I notice any surprising gains I will let you all know... I don't think that much will happen, but I was always curious to try the stuff.
fat_wilhelm said:
How can that be? I just saw Tim Silvia announce after he won his match last week, that he's become such a better fighter since he started using Xyience. And did you see how good his mohawk looked?
Look guys, i'm not doubting ANY of you. I haven't personally used Xyience and I balk at the thought of paying that much for ANY supplement. ANY. I'm about to drop some cash on Green Buldge CEE and thats WAYYYY more money that i'm accustomed to paying for creatine...but have the people here dissing it tried it???

Anyway I want one of those pimp chrome containers with the logo that it comes in....anyoen have one laying around?
Ya, i've got on eof the cans. I took NOX-CG3 when it first came out. It is now my condom bucket.. a very shiny one at that..
tshay2003 said:
Ya, i've got on eof the cans. I took NOX-CG3 when it first came out. It is now my condom bucket.. a very shiny one at that..

haha ,atleast it has some use. If you like the product why don't you just add the core ingredients to your regime.
UbetterTAPout said:
The 6 pack was there, it was just still in the keg..
Yeah, the 6-pack was there; it just happened to be nestled in 30lbs of fat.