Irish bar broadcast

They grabbed a few people from an extras agency and hired the director's apprentice to rig up an 'Irish Bar' on stage E for that bit. I thought it was a nice touch, added hype and the 'Irish' connection.
I loled at the gigantic Irish woman as well. Can anyone gif she should not be forgotten anytime soon
It was about 05:10 when he knocked him out so, yeah.
There was a dude there that looked Mexican
That fat bitch wouldn't even get out of her chair. LOL
There was a dude there that looked Mexican

I thought so too. I'm not one to buy in to conspiracy theories but that Irish Pub footage was shot using the same studio they used for the moon landing footage, imo.
I laughed, like 3 people were paying attention. Others were looking at the screen or each nothing not really even knowing what was going on.
They grabbed a few people from an extras agency and hired the director's apprentice to rig up an 'Irish Bar' on stage E for that bit. I thought it was a nice touch, added hype and the 'Irish' connection.

i made that same joke in my mind when i saw it. wouldn't it be funny as fuck?!? hah