International Iran to be a bigger threat than Russia in 2022

Don't worry, Iran has their own problems internally. Tons of infighting and indecisiveness from within.
Not so much Iran, but the Israeli reaction in the next 6 months.
Israel made 1 airstrikes against an Iraqi nuclear reactor in 1981. Another strike in a Syrian reactor in 2007.
It will likely make a strike on an Iranian nuclear facility in 2022.
Iran's in a hell of a position if they achieve the bomb soon, with Russia and China becoming friendlier than I'd like (on paper). They can block the strait of Hormuz with relative impunity unless the US unleashed on them, but they'd be able to do considerable economic damage in the mean time. That's just assuming no one else is directly involved, which is unlikely. Big shit platters could come our way if these states wanted to act.
Definitely not a result of the past 70 years of US foreign policy... this is all on Biden.

I would humbly suggest that the country that is currently invading it's neighbor, and currently is in possession of Nuclear weapons as well as ICBM's is a dramatically larger imminent threat.

Don't get me wrong, Iran is a major concern, but they pale in comparison in terms of risk to continental USA.
I think the real danger is now the world reacts to Russia and the USA. Everyone is seeing how much they can get away with things now. Perhaps nothing will happen. But I think the sweater if Pax Americana is caught on a nail and has been rapidly unraveling since the late 90s. The world after the USA being the only super power is going to look different again. Abs imho it’s best to prepare to protect your own country
They know Brandon is weak.
And Trump, the guy who would fuck his daughter, isn't?
I hate Reagan and I would take him over these 2 dumbfucks. Biden is weak and so is the orange monkey.
Stop acting like Trump would be a savior. The imbecile couldn't even save his companies.
I find it strange you're pulling for a man who is for abortion. You realize he's a Democrat?
Israel Adesanya should eliminate this threat immediately. Always stirring shit up.
they are not a threat, theyre funny...but not a threat.
Lol at Iran's space program. Have you seen their submarines?

The primary threat is China because they now rival the US in economic output and in some instances have already surpassed us.
Well for one and on topic he backed out of the Iran nuclear deal... probably at the demand of a foreign country, Israel. That event caused significant damage to us foreign policy

How? Please explain further.
I'm worried it's going to be Russia, China, Iran, and the terrorist states against the US. But the US will get steam rolled because Biden and the Democrats won't fight back. Please tell me I'm wrong.
Fight back as in militarily?
You Muppets who dream about Trump being president instead of Biden now....are you aware that Trump was planning to leave NATO after and if he wins second term?

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