Damn these radio guys are being such douchebags hahaha. I understand they have to accomodate the guest, but they are talking so much shit on Urijah... and you know if Urijah was there they would act the exact opposite way.
I understand that that's how these radio shows work, but jeez they could've lightened up a little. Urijah is still a boss even if Dom is better at this point in their careers.
I see what your saying and usually The Dominator aka Mr.P4P worst champion nickname in ALL of MMA (I would bet my 401k his Mom gave him that name, that would be the only plausible justification.smh) gets on my very last nerve outside of the cage, but he had a bunch of great points here. And while they were def riding his dick like a pony, I can understand those casuals not understanding the nuances of the game and how Faber is alot like DC in that he is just as much of a cocky prick as Dom, but more concerned with his public persona so they mask it btr in public. However when you keep them mic'd up like DC or you talk to an insider who had fought him twice like Dom, even "Johnny Casual" can see that at the very least Uriah is an opportunist and maybe even a manipulator. Shit, I am a diehard LONG before the Fertitias and Dana, and I still learned quite a bit from that interview....and evem hate Doms personality a lil less.lol Uriah is one crafty bastard, but you can see how ppl who arent really into MMA think he's a "good, wholesome, California Bro who just wants to.train, surf, and Bro it out with his Bros but after TJ, Joe, and almost Cody (does anyone remember how he was trying to ride TJs coattails and had all but moved to Denver, then TJ lost and his was all "loyal to Uriah from day 1" and shit???smh Ill never forget he did that and that bothers me way more than the tats and his "Ohio Gangsta" persona.roflmao) ALL roll out AND what Dom is saying, something is up.
Oh, 1 last funmy thing was what D said about him being kind of slick and crafty in the cage and will fake being hurt. Remember when he tried to fake hurt and do that lame ass "look away, fake stutter step, back fist elbow on Mike Brown and got DEMOLISHED for it???rofl Lost the belt and if you rly follow this sport, youd know that fight was the very beginning of Uriahs very long, very slow, decline of skill and fighting career.