In regards to alleged lowblows and eye pokes...

Kid Sampson

Blue Belt
Nov 4, 2009
Reaction score
Is anybody else getting tired of UFC fighters "calling time out"? I agree that if a foul is committed then the referee should split them up and offer the victim his 5 minutes of recovery.

Some people were/are getting huffy over the incident that happened last night on the TUF finale. Did it look like it was a low blow? Yes, but unless the ref calls it you must keep fighting.

Guys like Koscheck have proven that fighters take advantage of the system currently in place.The UFC really must institute some rule that says the fighters are not allowed to interact with the referees (I know such rules are already in place in Judo and BJJ) because this is getting ridiculous.
while some will take advantage of the rules, i think that the fighters should be able to call this type of thing since they are the ones who will be most impacted by it not being called. at least bringing the issue to the referee's attention will allow the ref to better decide if it is worth an official timeout.
while some will take advantage of the rules, i think that the fighters should be able to call this type of thing since they are the ones who will be most impacted by it not being called. at least bringing the issue to the referee's attention will allow the ref to better decide if it is worth an official timeout.

Maybe a good compromise would be that if a fighter is found to have "faked" a foul via instant replay, then he would suffer a point deduction.
if you take an eye poke or a low blow, its your natural reaction to want to stop the action for a minute. In all actuality, the ref is supposed to give the fighters the benefit of the doubt. If they see the shot land and clearly see it wasn't an illegal blow then its supposed to continue, but if they aren't sure, they are supposed to stop it.
Indecisiveness of the refs are causing the issue.
Mazzagatti's incompetence is embarrassing. He needs to go for retraining.
Maybe a good compromise would be that if a fighter is found to have "faked" a foul via instant replay, then he would suffer a point deduction.

on paper that sounds great, however, i'm not sure how it would be "proven." i suppose instant replay could be used, but it is a pretty subjective thing
Coulton knew it landed low and so did Ricci. I can't believe that Mazzagatti didn't allow for a timeout. Its not like Fitch who called a T.O. because he got hit in the face against Joslin. Ricci should have been allowed to kick Maz in the nuts and then they could have let him rest for 5 minutes so he couldn't screw up the next round.
Coulton knew it landed low and so did Ricci. I can't believe that Mazzagatti didn't allow for a timeout. Its not like Fitch who called a T.O. because he got hit in the face against Joslin. Ricci should have been allowed to kick Maz in the nuts and then they could have let him rest for 5 minutes so he couldn't screw up the next round.

Yeah eye poking is a bit harder to call, there's been a couple of times lately in which the fighter claims to have been poked but the replay clearly shows a punch.
on paper that sounds great, however, i'm not sure how it would be "proven." i suppose instant replay could be used, but it is a pretty subjective thing

Also sometimes it might be worth taking a point deduction if it gives you a couple minutes to recover while they check the tapes and decide. If you know you are on your way to getting knocked out you'd have little to lose except maybe some credibility and that one point.
Also sometimes it might be worth taking a point deduction if it gives you a couple minutes to recover while they check the tapes and decide. If you know you are on your way to getting knocked out you'd have little to lose except maybe some credibility and that one point.

Good point.

Though for instance, lets say someone pulls a Kos, and in between rounds they realize that it was BS. They should take a point away.