Important Conor McGregor fact.

Another important Conor fact: The guy is worth hundreds of millions of dollars and doesn't give 1 iota of a shit about anything forum dwellers think.

Steroids and hair transplants not always go that well. Usually if you take juice, you lose your new hairs earlier

You got
free testosterone
DH Testosterone called DHT

Fighters take stuff to enhance the first two, which also upregulates the last one, which causes hair loss
Right, and the best medications (dutasteride or finasteride) work to lower your DHT; but wouldn't work well if you were flooding your body with T.

There is also a question of whether creatine increases DHT. Long story short one study showed increased DHT, and despite what people think, this has not been debunked. There have not been enough high-quality studies on alopecia and creatine to know for sure.
Another important Conor fact: The guy is worth hundreds of millions of dollars and doesn't give 1 iota of a shit about anything forum dwellers think.

How do you think he got that rich? His image is what it is all about, of course he cares; he wouldn't be that rich from his fighting ability alone. Watch a video about what you go through with a hair transplant in the following days after the surgery and tell me someone who didn't care would go through that.
Conor is going to find out that increasing the testosterone in his body, while not taking Finasteride, will in effect kill off the rest of his non transplanted hair follicles. Which is why his hairline looks thinner in the after pic.

After his multiple transplants Joe Rogan refused to take the medication because 2% of men taking it reported sexual side effects. Instead he continued using testosterone and his hairline speaks for itself.
Part man part machine
Steel leg,nylon hair,hoover nose,rapey dick
That's part of it if indeed he did stop or refuse the meds. The doctor explains it also has to do with the surgery and the type of transplant he got.
The steroids accelerate hairloss too its like adding fuel to the fire almost nobody on roids keeps their hair if they are already balding
All those roids and DHT makes a hair transplant fail in those genetically pre disposed with male pattern baldness
It is proven- not only did he get a hair transplant, he got a bad one. His transplanted hair is thinning and weakening. Sherbros are ashamed.


His follicles (and nostrils) started to become TREE toymes his soize!

Blew up like a BALLOOOOUWNN
Conor is going to find out that increasing the testosterone in his body, while not taking Finasteride, will in effect kill off the rest of his non transplanted hair follicles. Which is why his hairline looks thinner in the after pic.

After his multiple transplants Joe Rogan refused to take the medication because 2% of men taking it reported sexual side effects. Instead he continued using testosterone and his hairline speaks for itself.
Yeah, only a total moron (e.g. Conor and Rogan) gets a hair transplant and then goes and jacks themselves up on roid. Transplants actually are not an insignificant surgery- what people go through in the following few days and weeks looks uncomfortable to me (and these guys did it for nothing).
The steroids accelerate hairloss too its like adding fuel to the fire almost nobody on roids keeps their hair if they are already balding
DHT-blocking prostate meds work pretty well to lower DHT under normal circumstances. But when you totally blast your body with T, there is just too much for these meds to handle (too much T and thus it converts to DHT).