Imagine if Bones Jones showboated and talked trash like Rory did.

Exactly. I remember when Belcher beat Palhares and yelled into the camera "I JUST TOOLED THAT MUTHERFUCKER" Sherdog ate it up and loved it and said it was just heat of the moment blahblahblah. Now imagine if Jones had done that after he put Machida to sleep? my god they still attack him for not gently placing machida down after he choked him out.

Now Rory gets a pass for his antics in the ring meanwhile these same people still attack Anderson to no end about his showboating in the cage years ago against Maia. The double standards amongst mma fans are obvious and disgusting.

I don't even need to elaborate any further, a blind person could see what the issue is.
Exactly. I remember when Belcher beat Palhares and yelled into the camera "I JUST TOOLED THAT MUTHERFUCKER" Sherdog ate it up and loved it and said it was just heat of the moment blahblahblah. Now imagine if Jones had done that after he put Machida to sleep? my god they still attack him for not gently placing machida down after he choked him out.

Now Rory gets a pass for his antics in the ring meanwhile these same people still attack Anderson to no end about his showboating in the cage years ago against Maia. The double standards amongst mma fans are obvious and disgusting.

I don't even need to elaborate any further, a blind person could see what the issue is.

:icon_lol: wow...
Jones is greater than Anderson. Jones has the best win-streak in MMA, Anderson is a can-crusher, who's only top win is Henderson.

Jones is fighting Anderson's MW left overs, and having a harder time with them even though they are smaller.

Vitor, now Chael, and maybe Henderson - All fighters Anderson finished, MW's that Jones is now fighting.:redface:
Jones is fighting Anderson's MW left overs, and having a harder time with them even though they are smaller.

Vitor, now Chael, and maybe Henderson - All fighters Anderson finished, MW's that Jones is now fighting.:redface:

Yeah pal it's called clearing out the toughest division in a year.
I'm a white male.

Jones >>>>>>> Rory

What does being white or a male have anything to do with this? Is your expectation that a white fighter will always prefer another white fighter, so therefore your whiteness makes your preference for a black fighter more meaningful? Stupid.

Jones is better than Rory though.
LOL...Jon Jones showboats and trashtalks more than Rory
guys like rory, chael, belcher, etc can be as arrogant as they want and it will be embraced by the fanbase

but if jones breach some imaginary moveable goal post then he will be a pariah
There is nothing wrong with having 'double standards'. Take that tired moral blackmail and flush it down the toilet.

We like who we like and judge who we judge based on a plethora of complex reasons and prejudices. Big deal.
Dear Rory haters,

Get it straight.

Is Rory a robot who lacks a personality, or is he a ****y showboater?

Not sure he can be both.
Dear Rory haters,

Get it straight.

Is Rory a robot who lacks a personality, or is he a ****y showboater?

Not sure he can be both.

Yeah showboating against an way past his prime B.J. who he had a huge size advantage sure makes you come off pretty bad. I don't mind the showboating but do it to someone to actually poses a threat. B.J. was and is completely done.
Jones is the champ. Champions always get more attention when they do something. Besides Sonnen and Seagal.

Also, plenty of people said they didn't like Rory for his behavior.
BJ Penn fans have all gone into hiding.

Jones beat Shogun, a guy with an incredibly vocal and loyal fanbase.
Yeah pal it's called clearing out the toughest division in a year.

Lol if a division can be cleaned out in 1 year then that says alot about that division

But then again Jones is fighting past primes,Anderson Silva's leftovers, and guy's that get title shots WWE style because the UFC knows they're names would sell
I love Rory and I think it was disrespectful. But come on dude, you don't think Penn would have done the same thing if the situation was reversed?


It all depends on the opponent and the situation. Penn has never been a modest guy. If Jones had done little dances for Rashad I don't think anybody would have given two shits because Rashad's done the same crap in the past. If he had done it to Shogun or Machida people would be pissed because they have always shown respect to their opponents.
There is nothing wrong with having 'double standards'. Take that tired moral blackmail and flush it down the toilet.

We like who we like and judge who we judge based on a plethora of complex reasons and prejudices. Big deal.

Sports! Where reason and logic are secondary to "gut feelings" about stuff.

That's what makes it so damn fun.