I'm So Old That...


Plutonium Belt
Jul 28, 2010
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...I can remember watching a live performance of a band on TV and it being special...


Here's some old timey music captured in it's natural habitat. If this shitty quality concert was captured back in the day, and it didn't take three days to download, I would've been in heaven:

im so old I can remember my mom sending me to the store to buy cigarettes .... and it being fine
I advised Moses to part the Red Sea.

Seriously though my first computer was a Commodore 64...and it was BADASS!
I legit remember when venti coffee at Starbucks cost $1.83.

That was back In The Year Two Thouuussaaanndd...

But seriously, that's how much it used to cost.
...I can remember watching a live performance of a band on TV and it being special...


Here's some old timey music captured in it's natural habitat. If this shitty quality concert was captured back in the day, and it didn't take three days to download, I would've been in heaven:

I already hate the fact that my kid will never be able to experience going to a record store and having that moment of listening to an album with all the artwork out in front of you and listening to it all because there simply was nothing else to do.

But what disturbs me even more is that music has just become an audio file that comes out of your speaker for your phone. So for my daughter's first concert this year I'm going to take her two two days of Dave Matthews Band and we are not going to leave until she loves it ?1?
Also Maynard is the fucking man and 13th Step is one of if not the most underrated concept album of all time.
I'm so old that I can remember Klackers being a thing:

I'm so old, I remember when Pong came out and it was sweet.
I remember buying the Kris Kross cassette tape and wearing my pants backwards to be cool like them. Yeah :cool::cool: that cool.
...I can remember watching a live performance of a band on TV and it being special...


Here's some old timey music captured in it's natural habitat. If this shitty quality concert was captured back in the day, and it didn't take three days to download, I would've been in heaven:

I remember being 16 when Aenima came out,and buying it at The Wiz. (Nobody beats the Wiz)
I predate power steering, child car seats and leaded gasoline.

Come at me bro.
I’m so old that I know that knowing is half the battle.
Im so old i remember gaving to wait til after 9 to use my cell phone.