Although the Matt Hughes Killing Wild Animals pics are way worse...
....Huge difference between 2 guys agreeing to injure one another for money and an overpowered idiot killing innocent creaturesMatt looks like he's about to pound that bear behind the barn
also i'll never stop finding it funny that a forum full of guys who pay money to watch people get their shit kicked have an issue with hunting
The only people who can have any moral stand against hunters are 100% Vegan.
95% of farmed animal live rather awful sad lives in extreme crowded, inhumane conditions.
While for a wild animal bullet trough the brain or even gut is very painsless death compared to natural death due to infection, broken leg or being torn apart by predators.
It's real worlds nature guys, it's cruel and life consumes life.
Not Bambi.
Lefty socialist Snowflake apologist
Although the Matt Hughes Killing Wild Animals pics are way worse...
Although the Matt Hughes Killing Wild Animals pics are way worse...