I'm going to eat a big fat piece of chocolate cake tonight

Gets some cold vanilla ice cream,some good Carmel syrup and then..

Shove it up your ass.

I kid I kid, chocolate cake alamode is my shit
sounds huge....
enjoy your cake. Im going to eat an entire large pizza Ive been fantasizing about for hours
I just ate a huge bowl of chocolate ice cream, ugh. Gonna have to do a few extra miles on the treadmill tomorrow.
Now you mother fawkers do not disappoint! Look at the camaraderie in here. Pizza fantasizing... huge bowl of chocolate ice cream... and my personal favorite...

"Go for it bud, you deserve it."


I wish I can eat the chocolate still. I cannot tolerate the milk. But I really do miss the chocolate
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I’m gonna have a bowl of Life cereal with some cut up banana in it.
theres all together too much binging and not enough purging itt
Deep fry that shit

Now you got yourseflf a party
Chocolate cake, warm and soft to the touch
Your mouth forms itself around it--
But what you want so very much
Is to haul out your pud and pound it

Right into that cake, lovin' from the oven
Let loose your spruce goose and shove it in
And when you're nearly done, don't attempt to fake,
Pull out in time to frost that cake