Im Eating Bugs For Dinner

The bugs are the least of your worries, don’t light any candles inside your home for the next 12 hours.
It's not just the bugs. It's the question of did the bugs crosscontaminate some poisonous anti-bug chemical poison into the food. You can't exactly ask the bugs if they did or not and expect a response.

In the news, they say even a tiny bit of the recreational drug which is mixed into other drugs can overdose and kill you. You don't know how much bug spray chemical is safe for human consumption.
You should it's not the black part of the corn that is in the corn meal mix? Were the little bugs moving?
They were moving til I drowned em in milk and sent em to Hell
This is peak lazy bachelor heavy guy behavior. I respect it! I have done the same thing with protein shakes. I didn't realize these weevils invaded my hemp protein(Thanks Sean Sherk for inspiring me for getting that shitty protein); I drank it and had no issues. The next day I opened it up and saw insects. I realized I must have drank them because I wasn't paying attention. I had a weird moment where I thought it wasn't really bad and I needed a protein shake. I probably would have done it if I didn't have this other hydrolyzed protein on hand. Also thanks sherdog for recommending the worst tasting protein in my life.
You are already infested with worms which will enjoy the new snack.
There's always been a set amount of bugs allowed in cereals and grain products. Little bonus protein in your morning snack.
Klaus Schwab approves. You'll get two extra social credit and be allowed to leave your 15 minute city for an hour

Where does one buy an Illuminati outfit like that?
Eat the bugs before the bugs eat you, as is happening in Paris right now.
yikes! those who live in a place abundant with food and there are seas to harvest, no bugs for them. feed it to Schwab.
Eat bugs, the Liberal way!