'ill" Will Brooks - The real test begins.


Juicy Belt
Feb 21, 2016
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I've checked the first three pages on the forum and haven't seen a post on Will Brooks. I know this is fight week, I know the Jon Jones fiasco, I know were immersed in tonights fight card, but how will this kid fair in the big league. Sure he's fought a tough as nails Chandler, and he has a similar assignment in Pearson.

How do you see this playing out given that Brooks will have ring rust, UFC jitters, and a tough appoint infant of him.

Im guessing a tough bout for him, with a win via UD. Chime in!
I think it plays out like Pearson/Iaquinta.
WAR Brooks. He's a good dude, enjoyed watching his fights in Bellator. Hope he can make moves in UFC.
I'd say Ross is a step down from Chandler. Still a tough fight though, but I expect Brooks to dominate.