If you were a famous UFC fighter would you shill products for money on your social media?

I'd prioritize shit that's not complete bunk, but... it's a short career and rarely ever worth it, so you gotta go through the monetary doors that open. Can't judge anyone for shilling.
I only buy stuff endorsed by my hero’s like Joe Rogan
Even if you know the items you are pushing for a sponsor are fugazi and bunk? Im not talking normal sponsored posts promoting some clothing line or supplement whey, im talking some stuff that you claim healed your body but you knowi its bs.

I remember Bas Rutten was posting stuff on his IG and twitter like videos of products and he was shilling these products and saying make sure you order from my link, it has to be my direct link to make sure your order goes through.

He was also pushing some training masks, and his mitts machine which cost like 500 to 600 bucks.

He will say anything works he was also shilling some CBD creme and drops for pain, and other supplements that cost like 100 bucks and was saying some stuff like this stuff changed my life, its the best the real deal! lol

I mean sell and promote the product but dont go over the top with the outlandish exaggerated claims like it is a cureall, thats like stereotypical Snakeoil salesman from a movie lines lol. This elixir cures everything! buy it for 3 installments of 65.99 it made me stronger than my fighting days.



Ive seen fighters post sponsored posts but never seen anyone shill as hard as Basito. Dude is the perfect salesman he even has that over the top personality that you can say this guy is selling me something and aint genuine.

Bas will try to sell Ice to a Eskimo.
I would be notorious for beating up media members such as Luke Thomas, The Shmo, Ariel Helwani, The Iceman Chuck Mindenhal, Marc Raimondi and the fat MMAJunkie guy. I would take their microphones sign them and sell them. Id be the most feared MMA fighter at a press conference.

Idk what kinda thread is this?
If I was allowed to ?

- com 'on now.As long as my contract allows me - Itll look like a presidential campaign when it's all said and done in my case.
I'm making as much money to secure my financial future as possible.
So long as it isn't something immoral... which I guess you could argue advertising is but I would be explicit about the fact it was an ad and I was paid so people could do with that what they want.
I would be notorious for beating up media members such as Luke Thomas, The Shmo, Ariel Helwani, The Iceman Chuck Mindenhal, Marc Raimondi and the fat MMAJunkie guy. I would take their microphones sign them and sell them. Id be the most feared MMA fighter at a press conference.

Idk what kinda thread is this?
If you were to set up a gofundme for beating the shit out of the Schmo I'd happily donate enough for a ridiculously good steak and beers for the night.

Also does nobody else like cbd? I've had a brittle lower back since I was 15 due to a power lifting accident and cbd oil has made a world of difference.
If you seen some of Joanna's interviews or Polish podcast you know she only shills products she either uses or would use. She is super picky and will go out of her way not to promote it. She has famously put a hat on the Monster can at two different UFC post fight pressers.

That said it doesn't mean a fighter is the best judge of a product.

Also there is such a thing as doing it wrong.

PVZ lost her sponsorship with Reebok because she flooded her social media with basically anything anybody would pay her for.

Meanwhile Joanna doing the same thing but being picky not only kept Reebok but picked up a major endorsement from a supplement company and also added Disney, a Porsche dealership to her existing sponsorship from a Mercedes dealership. Free vehicles and a tax write off as both have her name on it which she appears to have incorporated. The list goes on.

There are right and wrong ways to go about doing this shit.

Anybody that wants to see how it's done in the better way see Joanna.

Damn Brah! Am I still on Shertard or Forbes.com? Fantastic Post my Man!
if i knew that the product wasn't a TOTAL BULLSHIT, then sure i would. At the end of the day everyone is an egoist and eeryone should think about his future and his bank account, not other people's good living.
I don't have a problem with it.

I was just walking down the street thinking the same thing and realized I should be buying more whisky I'm so glad me and the boys picked up some proper smooth amazing whisky which was FLYING off the shelves it was just a normal day and now it's full of smooth rich goodness.
Life's too short for just walking
I've shot two commercials for products I'd never use myself.

Who cares, it's easy money.

As long as its not harmful.
I will, but the product will have strict criteria. The product itself and the maker. Let's be honest, StarCraft and Warcraft were good games, but is Blizzard any good?

It'll be a hell of a headache if you sign on the dotted line without figuring this shit out first.
Yeah Bas has been exposed many times for being a total shill.

He was funny back in the day but he’s a very shady dude.

As for the question I’m guessing most shill because they need the money.

steroids at this level don’t come cheap
all the top hollywood stars do it so why not
I would sell out so hard that I'd rent out my nickname to sponsors. I'd be Super "Mountain Dew" Punch. I'd tattoo doritos and beer cans all over my body. I'd get a tribal tattoo of the Hawaiian Punch guy on my face.