If you strongly disagree with the idea of the UFC adding more weight classes...

I'd rather have fewer weight classes. It's supposed to be a fight, there are many things that aren't "fair" and a few pounds is not the be all end all.

Maybe you are used to college wrestling or boxing but MMA is a different sport. There are many of us who've been watching since there were no weight classes and we know that size doesn't always determine the winner.

There are many competitors who've done well fighting larger opponents.

Demetrius Johnson, for example, could move up a division and still do well. He wouldn't be champion necessarily but he'd be top 10.

The only reason for more weight classes is so they can create more "champions". It gives them more options to choose from to headline PPV's.

Popular competitors could always challenge each other to catch weight fights, but that doesn't mean that we need a belt and a specific division customized for each competitor.
I really don't know where to be at. On the one hand, I do get that for health reasons it's for the best. On the other, I feel like I wouldn't like so many new champions, such a different landscape.

But I do realise that's pretty fucking selfish of me.
Youre almost as selfish as the reebokdeal
How do more weight classes solve the problem though? Guys aren't cutting weight because they can't fit in existing weight classes, they're doing it because coming in 10-20lbs over the division you're fighting in gives you a big size/strength advantage over someone who doesn't cut.

It's just like with PEDs.. if you know everyone is using PEDs and you don't, you're at a disadvantage, same deal with weight cutting, you're undersized against the competition everywhere except HW if you don't cut 10lbs+.