If you could hang with women like a gay man, but be straight...


Aug 9, 2013
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How awesome would that be?

How easy would picking up chicks be?

It'd basically be like - you just chill with them, and choose at your discretion.

No booze - no bullshit - and paradoxically, no buttfucking.

The degree of self degradation men go through just to hook up; I think that's why gay dudes hang with chicks easier - cause, they're like, already on their level - they don't have to degrade themselves.

I don't mean "degrade" in a necessarily negative sense; females are just on a different level of interaction to the "male", "thing".
They're more gentle and sensitive and can hurt more easily.

A man isn't a man if he's not rugged and strong - etc.
So what I mean by "degrade" is, they have to do something to get in touch with women emotionally - which is not on the same level as being "tough" and "rugged" and all that shit.


Anyways - bottom line is, hanging with chicks like a gay man, but porking them like a straight man - that's the world I one day want to live in.
Wait till you get to the age where hanging out with a woman (attractive or otherwise) would seem like a chore.
I love my wife.... but I'm not interested in spending too much time with other women. Maybe it's an age-thing
Will you just come out the closet already and stop with all these "my dad is a f@g" and "how cool would it be to be a f@g" threads?

Just go suck dick and stop shitposting already
Just come out already

I keep up such a masculine facade so that not even effeminate men want to be around me. Who the fuck wants to hang with women? You gonna have shared experiences when they start talking about menstruation, or how to decorate shit? Have fun with that.
I keep up such a masculine facade so that not even effeminate men want to be around me. Who the fuck wants to hang with women? You gonna have shared experiences when they start talking about menstruation, or how to decorate shit? Have fun with that.
He wants to compare notes about all the BBCs he's slurped with those broads.
Get 35 or 40 years old. That's how it works then. You're yourself, if they don't like it they can go fuck themselves, and if they do they throw themselves at you. Well as long as you're not fat.
This kid is sitting back, and laughing at everyone who replies to it's shit threads.

I've got no interest in listening to girls talk about girl things. Honestly think I would rather kill myself
Why do people just go on sherdog and make bad threads? Do you get some sort of perverse thrill from it? Weirdos
I do this already. We go to bars, strips clubs, and so on. They absolutely help me get more pussy thrown my way. Would recommend.
Wait, do you mean hanging out with a group of women when they're not doing their best "I'm a human" impression to make people like them?

Fuck that, I would lose the little faith in humanity I still have left.
Women are for one thing in my book. I got my Boyz to chill with. F hanging out with women.
Smh @ millenials...
You can. It’s called “The Friendzone.” It sucks.