If you could go back in time to see a concert from an artist who died, who would it be?

No man I’ve never seen that! What’s the story behind it?

From what I had heard…this performance was two days after The Beatles Sgt Peppers album had come out. Paul was in the audience at this show and was blown away that Jimi and the band had learned the song in less than two days. I think the coolest part is when Jimi asks for a new pick mid solo and keeps playing by hammering the strings with his right hand.
Rachmaninoff or MF DOOM

Imagine being there in Moscow in 1892 watching a fucking 19 year old who had just come up with this in his dream of music playing at his funeral.

I was going to say Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli or Sviatoslav Richter. They both died while was in grad school. I was thinking about making a trip to Austria to see Richter.
Not really a specific year or concert, but I'd love to go see a very young frank Sinatra singing in NYC and take my grandma. We used to listen to his records when I was a little kid

See a young bb king when he was first developing his sound
BB King would be up there for me as well.

Have you heard Kingfish (Christone Ingram)? Holy crap this kid blew me away the first time I saw one of his videos. I can listen to him playing all night long. Such an old soul already.

It was awesome to see him play in a Luke Cage episode.
From what I had heard…this performance was two days after The Beatles Sgt Peppers album had come out. Paul was in the audience at this show and was blown away that Jimi and the band had learned the song in less than two days. I think the coolest part is when Jimi asks for a new pick mid solo and keeps playing by hammering the strings with his right hand.
Yeah I was gonna say about the hammer ons.

reminds me of that clip of BB King Changing a string in the middle of a song.
Not really a specific year or concert, but I'd love to go see a very young frank Sinatra singing in NYC and take my grandma. We used to listen to his records when I was a little kid

See a young bb king when he was first developing his sound

My mother saw Sinatra in 1977 or 1978.

She took me to a festival when I was 12 with The police, Iggy Pop, and the Go-Gos. She went with me to The Who's 25th anniversary tour.