If this was your woman, would her accent annoy the hell out of you?


Holy Paladin
May 7, 2008
Reaction score
A buddy said UK accent is the worst of them. I don't know if he's fucking with me or what. If you were married or something to this lady, would you be able to withstand her accent. To me, Asian dialects are the worst.

Came in to hear annoying accent. Heard normal lady with a rather pleasing voice.
No way is her accent even close to the worst. I could deal with that. However, something like the 'Fargo' accent would have me slaughtering folks within hours.
This, on the other hand...

She's cute. Nice body. Don't mind the accent. Would wife.
Was expecting "ah no jeff man, ah got shot in mai ayes, ahm bleynd man jeff man, baykah groev jeff man"
I don't see any issue at all. But I might need subtitles now and then.
haven't listened but after i grow tired of fucking this woman, i'd have to ditch because of her voice.

Hillary's voice annoys me. The lady in the video, not so much, she just sounds chipper.
The off putting thing about people from the UK is not their accents but their personalities. Conflating the two is understandable though. People from the UK just suck.
Its okay. She just talks fast, so it sounds like machine gun fire. I'd have to adjust.