If Cloner and his shit talk lost to a guy who was 2-2 at 170 fought someone else ...
He's probably going to be 0-5 outside of fighting manlets and midgets.
Enjoy the IRISH Fan Wagon, lol
You're lame as shit.
let's see how he rebounds before this kind of discussion is brought up... diaz can flash brilliance and then he can stumble as well... mcgregor had no plan B to those power strikes which suggests he really bought into his own fists and reaction speed (he thought he was anderson silva)
after last night you'd have to give diaz 6/10 advantage but it's not like after seeing those exchanges it's unreasonable to suggest conor would be able to beat him on another night
It's pretty unreasonable to think so, yes. Diaz was pudgy and not in fighting shape. He didn't get a lucky punch or anything, he beat Conor up the same way he beats up most of the guys he fights. Conor could beat him, but he'd basically need to KO him with 1 good punch since he can't outbox, outwrestle or outlast Nate. Nate has been KO'd once in 29 fights. It would be reasonable to say Conor might win 1/29.let's see how he rebounds before this kind of discussion is brought up... diaz can flash brilliance and then he can stumble as well... mcgregor had no plan B to those power strikes which suggests he really bought into his own fists and reaction speed (he thought he was anderson silva)
after last night you'd have to give diaz 6/10 advantage but it's not like after seeing those exchanges it's unreasonable to suggest conor would be able to beat him on another night
It's pretty unreasonable to think so, yes. Diaz was pudgy and not in fighting shape. He didn't get a lucky punch or anything, he beat Conor up the same way he beats up most of the guys he fights. Conor could beat him, but he'd basically need to KO him with 1 good punch since he can't outbox, outwrestle or outlast Nate. Nate has been KO'd once in 29 fights. It would be reasonable to say Conor might win 1/29.