If MMA is "real" fighting...


Orange Belt
Nov 13, 2017
Reaction score
...then why do MMA fans constantly complain about things such as:
- Eyepokes
- Groin shots / illegal strikes
- Height and/or weight disparity
- Late hits

None of those matter in a real fight. If you engage in a real fight anything could happen, MMA is a SPORT just like Boxing.
...then why do MMA fans constantly complain about things such as:
- Eyepokes
- Groin shots / illegal strikes
- Height and/or weight disparity
- Late hits

None of those matter in a real fight. If you engage in a real fight anything could happen, MMA is a SPORT just like Boxing.
USADA was just a Zuffa's maneuver to inflate the UFC's valuation and make it look like a "clean sport" to delusional fans. If they truly cared about the fighters they wouldn't be paying them 3k/3k or charging for an extra cornerman. This is a fact
People don't like it when people cheat in a "real" fight either. It's not a fight to the death bud.
MMA started off as a decent simulation for an actual fight but obviously its become a sport over the years

thanks for the obvious post TS I love Doom tho so you get a pass from me
How did I already know exactly what TS was going to say before I opened the thread?
...then why do MMA fans constantly complain about things such as:
- Eyepokes
- Nut shots / illegal strikes
- Height and/or weight disparity
- Late hits

None of those matter in a real fight. If you engage in a real fight anything could happen, MMA is a SPORT just like Boxing.

Newbs should not be aloud to post for 6 months
Who said MMA is real fighting, it is as close as it gets in sports tor real fighting and its athletes would have the most success in a real fight but as you point out it is not a real fight.
Height/Weight disparity just comes with the territory. The rest makes you a :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: in or out of the cage
Real fighting in a controlled environment with rules and unified rules that heavily favor wrasslers.

Pro Tip:

The thread title & OP get way better, if you read it in Christopher Walken's voice.

Here ya go:

Click Play ^^


Mike's rebuttal

How is that applicable to Tyron but not Colby?

I don't get it, where's the proof?

What movie is that? Killing me laughing over here

I don't understand how the UFC hasn't hired this guy. Best in the business.

Or maybe you just feel really cultured for being able to say it.

"Borrachina" for me. I feel like for a split second I'm actually fluent in Portuguese.

Oluwale Bamgbose is a close second.

The Dong is GOAT fun Korean name to pronounce.

is this a shoop?


Honestly I think its cool she did that.
Look how young she was and she worked and even did shit commercials like that to earn money.

Just shows her work ethic will never before her problem.

Que naked chuck working out with. Naked girl....now that's a weird clip....

Remember when his stalker came on here? What a brick wall of insanity she was.

He is mad the fixed his crooked smirk too


Lol tbh I don't think photoshop helped anything
...then why do MMA fans constantly complain about things such as:
- Eyepokes
- Groin shots / illegal strikes
- Height and/or weight disparity
- Late hits

None of those matter in a real fight. If you engage in a real fight anything could happen, MMA is a SPORT just like Boxing.

It's not " real fighting" and the UFC is making sure it never becomes a real sport either.