If I were a talented musician...


Steel Belt
Sep 18, 2008
Reaction score
I think it would be funny to spend a 30 year career writing songs about a bump on your penis.

Like really high-quality songs that might have been hits if they were about love or something, but for some odd reason you only feel like singing about this one thing. A single bump on your penis that appeared one day and doctors tell you it's nothing serious but it still bugs you.

And then when you're old, your ex girlfriends reveal to the media that you never even had a bump on your penis. It was all just a fraud to sell records....

Jokes on you motherfuckers... I got yer money anbd I already spent it!!!

And then I die and the put on my tombstone "penis bump fraud"
Obviously you're not a country fan. It's been done like three times bro
It's doable.

Tool made a song about fisting a bumhole and that shit is iconic.
you should play the rusty trombone.
I could see someone like Weird Al making a song but perhaps not a career out of singing about his penis bump. Getch'yo mind outta the gutta and get ta work suckah, you got a paper due.