If I could change the name on my acct I would change it to...

Kick Strickland

Mar 9, 2015
Reaction score
137 others.

Because when I liked a post, it would say "so and so likes this, so and so likes this, and 137 others." It would make people feel awesome and I'm all about that.
How about "nobody really" so when you like a post it states "nobody really" likes this
id change mine to Scrotie McBoogerballs. or maybe just Hwoarang.
I'd change mine to Lovestorm.
Cheese but that shit was taken.

But The Ratman has alway been me, so i dont think i would.
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Cheese but that shit was taken.

Yep. Somehow it suits him, too. That dude's cool.

I just saw a dude named Chair. This is his AV


Made me laugh :D
Your Mom, so then it would say Your Mom likes this
137 others.

Because when I liked a post, it would say "so and so likes this, so and so likes this, and 137 others." It would make people feel awesome and I'm all about that.
I have a feeling lurkers will use this thread for ideas. You've inspired a whole new generation of posters