He's going to be the most overrated fighter ever, no question.
-He's a paper LHW champion. Say what you want about Jones being on roids, but the fights weren't even close. He lost 4 rounds to 1 in the first fight and he was losing the rematch before getting KO'd in the 3rd round. The skill gap was just too big to fully blame roids.
It's like saying Shogun would have beaten a clean Jon Jones. Juice or not, that version of Shogun was never beating Jones. They were on different levels at the time. It doesn't matter how much Josh Barnett juiced, he was never beating CroCop. Roids cannot erase such a big gap of skill. DC and Jones aren't even close.
-LHW is weak as hell. Cormier's best LHW win is Crumble, whose best win is Gustafsson, whose best win is an over the hill Shogun.
-Cormier has a terrible striking defense
Doesn't defend leg kicks
Doesn't defend body kicks
Doesn't defend knees
He has a horrible tendency to duck below the waist, which is how Jones caught him:
He also has a sloppy ground game and for a decorated wrestler, his TDD isn't that great either. His skills are not GOAT material.
-Miocic is one of the weakest #1 HW's in history. He's beating mostly past prime fighters. Also sloppy:
Sorry, but DC isn't GOAT material. If someone like DC was considered the greatest ever, the entire sport would lose it's value.