If Conor had won at 229


Little eagle soars again
Dec 2, 2016
Reaction score
Would a brawl still have happened?
How humble would Conor be?
How salty would Khabib be?
Rematch and next matches for both?
Would the clusterfuck chain of events and retardation by Conor have still occurred?
How graceful would his fans have been?
Especially, what would he have said in the post fight interviews?
The world is complex enough without having to add hypotheticals.


Fucking get over it you chuckleheads, Conor submitted himself to Khabib.
It's like a distopia, if Hitler had won ww2.




Fucking get over it you chuckleheads, Conor submitted himself to Khabib.

I was a fan of both but now, Conor is a retard and loses the fight 9 times out 10.
This is just for shits and giggles.
We are now in the 6th stage of grief for Conor fans. Delusion.

So sad lol. Conor can now only please his fans in their own dreams.
I think those two goons still had a plan to attack him either way it looked coordinated
What if your mother hadn't put holes in your father's condom?
IF khabib lost, he Would've fought 3 times or so since then and earned another title shot
If the Steve's didn't create Apple, would I have created it? So many unanswered questions
Would had used his foot as an excuse not to defend against Tony.
They would've made Tony vs Khabib for the interim title, someone would pullout and the other fight Holloway.
Dustin would fight Cowboy or Al and later Khabib or Tony for the vacant title after they strip Conor.
Pretty sure Khabibs goon squad said they pre-planned the attack so that was gonna go down either way.