I wipe down gym equipment BEFORE I use it, not after. And so should you !


Aug 18, 2014
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In the world of gym etiquette, we are told through foolish propaganda that it is safest, best, and respectful to wipe down gym equipment after you use it.

What kind of idiotic logic is this ? Isn't it smarter and more safe to wipe down before you use it to make sure your session is clean and safe ?!


If the flu infested guy before you didn't wipe down, you'll be getting his germs unless you wipe down before you use it.

Look, the only person in this world you can truly trust is yourself - that's it. If you find it rude that I don't wipe down after I use it - TOUGH FUCKING LUCK. How about you stop expecting others to keep you safe ? How about you wipe the gym equipment before you use it ?

Now, some of you may be asking why I don't wipe down the equipment before and after I use it, as a courtesy ? To answer your question; It's not my job to safe you from your own stupidity.
Hearing you'd prefer my sweat on your towel instead of mine is really flattering but that's not what I want to become the norm.
Hearing you'd prefer my sweat on your towel instead of mine is really flattering but that's not what I want to become the norm.

Paper towels are best. Clean and throw away. But why trust the guy who used it before you ? Why not clean before you use it since you don't know ?
If you're worried about catching the flu, why don't you just workout at home?
If you compare the cost of a 1 year gym membership to the cost of equipment, you'll realize that you're saving money at the end if you buy the equipment yourself.
Then you can swim in your sweat all day.
#1 thing that's cut down on me getting sick has been washing my hands before leaving the gym. I get sick less than half as much as I used to before I started this a few years ago.
I like doing crunches on my bed while I watch TV. it's something I just started doing.
I don't wipe down anything! I like to get right into the mess of it!
I agree. Also, I flush before I use the toilet, not after, and so should you.
I don't care really - I wipe it down afterwards as a courtesy because I'm a sweaty bastard, and if the machine is sweaty from the previous person I'll use provided paper towels and anti-bacterial cleaner before I use the equipment, but if it's dry, I'm just getting on and going to work. You're showering after your workout anyways, either at the gym or at home - if it's the latter just use some anti-bacterial wash on your hands before you leave the gym.
Frustratingly I my gym doesn't have paper towels or spray on deck.

If I'm about to use a bench previously used by someone else, and there's sweat on there, I'll simply ask them to wipe it down.

I carry my own towel and always wipe down
I leave my juices on the equipment so that the loser following me can soak up my excellence.
That is what I do. I spray until equipment is dripping wet with chemicals, then I wipe it with towels.
Make your house into a gym; do you even lift, bro?
gym buddy of mine just caught ringworm in our gym.