I was just browsing the post your pic thread and I have to ask this question.


Jan 1, 2008
Reaction score
There are a number of guys that are posting ..... girl style pics for lack of a better word. They are close up to their face and are making pouty lips etc.

Is that a gay thing? I feel like it is a gay thing. I mean, I don't care either way, just wondered.
What do you expect? MMA is for homos.
There are a number of guys that are posting ..... girl style pics for lack of a better word. They are close up to their face and are making pouty lips etc.

Is that a gay thing? I feel like it is a gay thing. I mean, I don't care either way, just wondered.

It's only gay if you're getting dickslapped while you're taking the selfie

* loads of those pics in the plat forum if you're curious
You were browsing a post your pic thread you know was all guys.

there's a gay thing going on here, that's for sure.
It's only gay if you're the bottom, or your dicks touch, or you make eye contact while rolling.

It's only gay if you're getting dickslapped while you're taking the selfie

* loads of those pics in the plat forum if you're curious

Dude thats OUR secret!
What happens in the Plat stays in the Plat
Did you fwap to my pic, bro? I did.

It's only gay if you're the bottom, or your dicks touch, or you make eye contact while rolling.


Not if you say "no homo" before you touch dicks. "No homo" negates everything.

Except if you kiss. That's definitely homo.
This is the Mayberry Lounge after all.

What did you expect?
yes, it is a gay thing. & so is the boner you got from looking at the pics.
Unless you liked my pics I don’t give a fuck about your lemon opinion
My lips were only puckered cos I had a joint in my mouth.

That, and there was a hot tranny sitting across from me at the bar.