has been on-line since August 1997. It has been set up by Jeff Sherwood to learn HTML programming and website construction. He build it up to a big site and he got the help from Garret Poe. In 2001 they registered the official company which now makes it an official business.
Dave Hojak and Tanner Rhoden have been on the board for quite a while before Jeff and Garret asked them, in december 2001, to lead the new forum. They took up the challange which eventually leaded to the succes of!
Currently there are 17 people involved in maintaining
Editor/Owner: Jeff Sherwood
Editor/Owner: Garrett Poe
Database Videos: Mike Fridley
Database Contributors: Rob King, Joseph Bowling, Marc-Andre Drolet, Ryan Graham, Andrei Vieru
Graphics: Adam Wesolowski
Writers: Marc-Andre Drolet, Brett Herman, James Hirth, Brian Piepenbrink, Ben Turner, Mike McNeil, Mike Sloan, Emele Tendon
There are 20 people involved in maintaing
Forum Administrators: Dave Hojak, Tanner Rhoden, CalfCruncher, kimo1345
Senior moderators: ShootoKing, Crippler
Forum moderators: 8thDegreeSavage, ArjukanpoKarate, HOGNUTZ, Iron Trav, LeftBench, LeiTong, Machado Jiu-Jitsu, Magic Man, rtbrouwer, RyanGracie7, Sabretooth, Spencikiss, Tangun, The Jake.
So there are a total of 37 people who serve the avrage of 23000 visitors a day!
Ron Brouwer
Team Sherdog