I think a lot of you are underestimating how much Weidman's injury prevented him from performing up to his standards.
I happen to know what Weidman went through from firsthand experience.
Back in 2006 I went to visit my Grandpa in Arkansas. He has a farm out there with all sorts of animals including a few horses. Whenever I'm there my Grandpa gives me the task of letting the horses out of their pen in the morning.
The first morning I went to let the horses out of their holding, the youngest of the bunch (a very energetic colt that my Grandpa named Pussy Pie) Ran excitedly from the farthest end of the pen all the way to edge of the field. In the process he trampled on my right foot. I immediately felt the sharpest pain ever and knew something was wrong.
My grandpa put ice on my foot while I spent the rest of the day inside on the recliner watching reruns of Judge Judy. My Grandma baked me blueberry cookies and made sure I remained comfortable.
Grandpa punished Pussy Pie and made him stay in the pen the rest of the day while the other horses got to saunter in the field under the beautiful Arkansas sun. Even though my foot felt like hell and was swollen like a cushion by noon time, I still felt bad for Pussy Pie. I'm an animal lover who finds joy in seeing animals in nature as opposed to being locked away.
The next morning I woke up and my foot was black and blue and swollen like a balloon. I tried to get out of bed to let the horses out, but as soon as I stood up I lost my balance and fell backwards in a heap of pain. My foot was on fire and I could only think to scream out "God Damn it Pussy Pie".
My Grandmother heard me wailing and came in. When she saw how bad my foot had gotten she demanded we go to the hospital.
In the emergency room the doctor who looked at me knew right away my foot was broken.
12 hours later I walked out of the hospital in a cast and holding a pair of crutches.
For the next few weeks I barely walked. Just watched a lot of TV and ate tons of cookies and ice cream.
It was time to go back home. Before I left I made sure to stop by the pen and say goodbye to Pussy Pie and the rest of the horses. And I certainly thought about the excited jumpy colt when three months later I got the cast removed.
Let me be the first to tell you: A broken foot is not something to fight with. Weidman should have pulled out and healed properly. I have much respect for his decision to fight becase I know how much pain he was in, but it was still the wrong choice.
If Weidman's foot is healthy he will crush Luke in the rematch.
Here's a picture of pussy pie from 2014