I think I'm gonna be sick... VIDEO

Matt Thornton

Amateur Fighter
Sep 2, 2004
Reaction score
I've mentioned before that I like leglocks. I always get warned "Don't be a meathead and crank them," but believe me, I'm totally not like that. I know how dangerous they are, and if someone doesn't understand that I have them caught in a heelhook, I'll either explain to them "You're caught, you should tap," or I'll just let them go.

Have you guys ever watched Ken Shamrock's match against Leon Dijk in Pancrase? Oh my God. If you don't know why people tell you to be careful with leg locks, WATCH THIS VIDEO. I seriously almost felt sick seeing this...



Mods - I don't think this is violating any rules, because it's a fight clip, not the fight in its entirety.

Watch this video to see an inverted heel hook go horribly wrong. And I thought Bas Rutten's cranked heel hook (leading to a broken shin bone) was sick...

Ijung said:
that wasnt too nice of shamrock :eek:

No kidding, huh?

"Oh, here you go Leon, I suppose I could give you ample time to tap, seeing as how we're wearing pro wrestling boots and you're probably not going to be able to slip out of this tight-ass inverted heel hook, buuuuuttttt what the hell, I think I'll just crank it as hard as I can and see how loud you can scream!"

There is no way in hell you need to crank an inverted heel hook that hard. Inverteds act way faster than regular heel hooks, and they're much tighter. Maybe this was earlier in Shamrock's career? I think he started off as a wrestler and began learning shootfighting, if I'm not mistaken. If this was the case, someone at the gym should've explained to him that he doesn't need to crank that hard.
lol, thats an understatement. the phrase you were looking for was "fucking scumbag". as in, ken was a fucking scumbag for intentionally destroying that guy's knee.
The part that sicks me out the most is the happy, bouncy music they play at the end while Leon is writhing in agony.
I've seen this.... What gets me are the screams of agony.

He looks at his own foot and acts like a dog when it's foot's caught in a beartrap.
According to fightfinder, he fought again 6 months later. I find that amazing, considering how nasty that looked.
Inverted heelhooks are the worst.
Woww!! That was fucking bad.
man i could almost feel the pain from that--and i have never been in an inverted heel-hook
I remember that video...thats why im terrified to show large new people heel hooks...
Now you know why Heel Hooks are banned in most BJJ schools. I hate it when a white belt who has just learned the armbar immediately yanks it back with everything he has. Imagine if he has your heel and does the same thing.

You know something. that guy in the video was in the wrong end of a very daingerous sport. Pitty that his life had to be altered but he chose to be there. As for shamrock. He has been on the recieving end of his fair share of asskickins as well.
Shamrock always had that attitude. I heard a story of him choking out Vernon White after he tapped so everybody knows whos the alpha male.
Personally i hate dangerous moves in training but you have to get used to them. Heelhooks, neckcranks, twister etc. are against my code of honour and i don't want to use them.
That was plain nasty, no need to go like that after an opponent, the guy was finished trying to rip his leg off was unnecessary.
It's applied pretty quick - hard to tell if Shamrock was being sadistic or simply a little overenthusiastic. But wtf, the opponent signed the dotted line.
Anyone who thinks grappling can't be brutal needs to look no further then this video. Thats what happens when someone really wants to hurt you.

Didn't Shamrock do something like this in one of his first UFCs as well?
This clip made me dislike shamrock even more. To make me feel better i had to watch his fight with Tito again.
I never done leg locks so I'm probably underestimating how bad the injury actualyl was/

But pain is pain and ther eis plenty of it right there.

It was interesting to see the lock being applied though, very cool
It was brutal, but I think that Ken was just over enthusiastic or maybe the other guy had weak knees or somthing. It seemed like it went pretty qucik.