I still think Costa stiffens Izzy..

Needs to be someone with nasty takedowns and a decent chin.
Once a fighter embarrasses you like that it’s hard to comeback from cause your confidence is killed.
He “stiffens” him already. Although, I don’t think he wants to do that again….could be in for a bumpy ride
Paul ducked his way out of two hard fights vs. Robert and Cannon. He is done with fighting it seems.
Rematch after Paula gives birth.
Izzy grabbed a hunk of what he wanted tonight.
Costa is a clown who has more excuses than Conrat. He barely beat Yoel and looked petrified against Izzy. He was exposed.
He salty that he got to punch at a paul but didn’t get millions for it

who wouldn’t be
Izzy already too that that dude manhood live on tv please stop trolling