i live in miami and im not evacuating during hurricane irma..ask me anything


305 where I reside
Jun 22, 2015
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Hey guys, irma looks to hit miami (where i live) this is the strongest atlantic hurricane in history, are any of you soflo bros not going to evacuate?

My family lives in california, my girlfriend has evacuated out of state yesterday to her parents house (i hate her parents), and i told her it would be best if i stayed and held down the fort.

Honestly im getting a little freaked out after hearing 90 percent of the buildings in bermuda were destroyed, my house is brick and my windows are going to be covered by plywood.
I have plenty of water, my car will be jacked up on bricks just incase of flooding, and allot of raw food just incase power goes out.

It's me, my roommate and my dog (i also bought a extra large bag of dog food)
My roomate has been thinking about driving north ahead of the storm, which would leave me alone with my dog.

Now as far as evacuating goes, i have nowhere to go, and i don't want my house to get looted right after the Storm hits ( happens ALL the time to people around here)

I don't have many options at this point, so i accepted the fact that im going to hold down the fort, and go down with the ship if need be (there's also a giant oak tree that hangs over my house from my neighbors yard, i knocked on his door yesterday and it looks as if he left, i tied a rope around the main branch and have it attached very tightly to another branch so if it snaps it should in theory be dragged away from my house)

Hope everyones safe during the storm, wish me luck bros, im going out like a solider.

For those unaware the city forced me to evacuate my home in miami i had no choice.

Update-sept 9

Well guys it took us 10 hours to get to tampa yesterday and we used most the gas being bumper to bumper on the highway for atleast 8 hours ( to put things into perspective tampa is like a 4 hour drive with regular traffic)

But we're pretty much fucked, the hurricane shifted slightly west and is now pretty much in track to hit tampa...there's no running anymore, gas stations are out of gas and the highways are still packed all the way up.

So it looks like we're riding this thing out in tampa, we are at my roomates friends house, and he's not in a flood zone at least.

I still do not regret my decision of not leaving with my girl, because as soon as the storm passes me and my roomate are headed back to miami to make sure the house is safe ( if i was out of state we would have to wait for atleast a week until the airport would allow commercial planes back into florida.

Looks like im still going to get video of irma and all it's destruction....im ready you bitch!

Sun sept 10 11.30 am-
This may be my last update until after the storm, before it gets real.

So far its a little stormy, windy, very eire.
Outside is dead quiet except ONE bird that has been repeatedly calling.
It's actually very sad because, the homeowner says there's always birds around his house and they have all flocked, seems this bird was either took weak to flock or too young.

So far we still have power, and running water, air condition ect.

I have no doubt in my mind it's about to get really nasty here in tampa, and worst part is, my own city kicked me out of my house, when miami isn't getting hit nearly as hard as the western coast.
So i would like to end this update with a big fuck you to Irma, and remind everybody that the spaghetti chart is bullshit, a projected path is an educated guess at best.

Stay safe i know some people in ft Myers are getting.the worst of it, crazy to think that will be me in 10 hours.

On the Brightside miami isn't flooding so my stuff is alright.
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No point in asking you anything relating to the hurricane after you pretty much covered everything.

How big is your junk?
Updates, please. Pics if possible.

Good luck.
Hey guys, irma looks to hit miami (where i live) this is the strongest atlantic hurricane in history, are any of you soflo bros not going to evacuate?

My family lives in california, my girlfriend has evacuated out of state yesterday to her parents house (i hate her parents), and i told her it would be best if i stayed and held down the fort.

Honestly im getting a little freaked out after hearing 90 percent of the buildings in bermuda were destroyed, my house is brick and my windows are going to be covered by plywood.
I have plenty of water, my car will be jacked up on bricks just incase of flooding, and allot of raw food just incase power goes out.

It's me, my roommate and my dog (i also bought a extra large bag of dog food)
My roomate has been thinking about driving north ahead of the storm, which would leave me alone with my dog.

Now as far as evacuating goes, i have nowhere to go, and i don't want my house to get looted right after the Storm hits ( happens ALL the time to people around here)

I don't have many options at this point, so i accepted the fact that im going to hold down the fort, and go down with the ship if need be (there's also a giant oak tree that hangs over my house from my neighbors yard, i knocked on his door yesterday and it looks as if he left, i tied a rope around the main branch and have it attached very tightly to another branch so if it snaps it should in theory be dragged away from my house)

Hope everyones safe during the storm, wish me luck bros, im going out like a solider.

Not bermuda btw, i think it was barbuda got dominated 90%
I read it's gonna be little more than a wet fart by the time it hits there.
Good luck bro

If you survive don't be shy about doing a little looting of your own though
Good luck. I lived in South Florida (Kendall) until just recently. We've been pretty lucky during Hurricane season these past few years.
Wouldn't it be smarter to be safe then sorry and just take a few day vacation? I mean if you're in part of Miami that's too close to the coast then that might make sense.
From what I've heard by those in the know, hurricane jose is supposedly going to uproot Irma before tomorrow evening and literally backpack on top of her cause portions of the upper-most levels of jose to reach into the ionosphere meaning that the down force created by both eyes will be equivalent to two to three hiroshimas. Be safe OP
I have a friend whos doing the same.. she is staying... boarding up the house and drinking wine
Wouldn't it be smarter to be safe then sorry and just take a few day vacation? I mean if you're in part of Miami that's too close to the coast then that might make sense.
It's a tricky situation, i can spend money to fly me and my dog up to my girls parents house, just to find out the hurricane missed us, or it weakened overnight.
Or i can secure the fort and try too ride it out.
I have one another friend who's not leaving town, he might come over seeing as my house is the safer of the two (besides the tree)
From what I've heard by those in the know, hurricane jose is supposedly going to uproot Irma before tomorrow evening and literally backpack on top of her cause portions of the upper-most levels of jose to reach into the ionosphere meaning that the down force created by both eyes will be equivalent to two to three hiroshimas. Be safe OP
If it gets to that point i will probably drive or fly north and just consider my belongings a total loss.
At this point, im just hoping it doesn't destroy everything i own.