I know this video is over a year old but


Silver Belt
Dec 23, 2011
Reaction score
This was what made me somewhat tolerable of Nick Diaz. It's the "sorry I didn't make it to the beauty pageant" video. This IMO is a rare video of him where he seems down to earth and calm, cool and collected (with the exception of the "FUCK YOUR MOTHER" Part

This was what made me somewhat tolerable of Nick Diaz. It's the "sorry I didn't make it to the beauty pageant" video. This IMO is a rare video of him where he seems down to earth and calm, cool and collected (with the exception of the "FUCK YOUR MOTHER" Part


If the only video you can find of a guy where he is calm and collected needs an exception made for the "fuck your mother" part, maybe that guy isn't very calm or collected. Just saying.
I don't understand why you would make a video while driving.
If the only video you can find of a guy where he is calm and collected needs an exception made for the "fuck your mother" part, maybe that guy isn't very calm or collected. Just saying.

hahahaha well someone honked at him for no reason. I would get pissed at that too
FUCK YOUR MOTHER pretty much negates any moments of calm/coolness though doesn't it. it's not just the line itself...its the completely disruptive/angry delivery of it.
FUCK YOUR MOTHER pretty much negates any moments of calm/coolness though doesn't it. it's not just the line itself...its the completely disruptive/angry delivery of it.

Yeah, but it's like I said, someone honked at him for no reason. I would flip too
Yeah, but it's like I said, someone honked at him for no reason. I would flip too

Isn't it plausible that they honked at him because he was driving badly, due to being distracted by being filmed?
hahahaha well someone honked at him for no reason. I would get pissed at that too

For no reason? He didn't exactly get off at the exit like he was supposed to, but he instead forced his way in ahead of the people that did it properly. He deserved the honk. The only exception here is Nick is probably more badass outside his car than the average idiot driver is inside their car.

Didn't he no show for a BJJ competition? I never don't show up for a fight? Well....

I actually am a fan, but I wouldn't say I love him. He's definitely an entertaining character.
Yeah, but it's like I said, someone honked at him for no reason. I would flip too

Maybe they recognized him.

Anger management is a beautiful thing....
why would someone flip out because they got honked at? Do people really have THAT short of a fuse and no real problems to concern themselves with?

Some old lady veered into my lane yesterday and I lightly tapped the horn to let her know I didn't want to share a bumper and she lost her shit. She honked back, shook her fist and mouthed/shouted the words "Fuck off" at me.

I laughed.

It was the only correct response.

Ps. Yes, I got punked...

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