I just helped break up a fist fight at Walmart

I started paying attention literally right before it got physical.

I needed some cans of pasta sauce and Walmart is the only thing open until 11pm here in Toronto. The place was closing and I was in line.

i just noticed that all of a sudden it got really quiet in line, it was very loud a moment ago.

There was an Arab guy working the Walmart counter and he had a beef with a black customer in line.

The Black Guy yelled something like “Come on then Pussy!”

And I didn’t expect it but the bald middle aged Arab guy jumped the counter and charged him and they started banging it out right in front of the customer service desk.

I was just standing there watching in a trance, not moving, until the Spanish guy next to me in line said “We gotta stop this meng” and I just nodded and we ran over.

We got between them and tried to separate them and got between them, but they were still swinging over our heads and hitting each other. One punch hit me in the shoulder and another zinged over my ear.

I thought about taking one of them down and holding them down but I was afraid if I took down one of them the other one would stomp the other ones head in and it would be my fault.

After they gassed out the black guy ran off.

A bunch of older white ladies called the cops. I posted this from my car in the parking lot.

Depends on the situation but I generally just let them fight it out. Today, I was in 7-11 and some tall guy was screaming, "bitch, bitch, bitch" i didn't know what the hell was going on and he didn't do anything but yell "bitch" Several men were there and I'm sure that they wouldn't have let him attack her, and I wouldn't have either,. Wasn't necessary, he left and everyone wondered what the hell it was all about, maybe he had turrets

I had a flat a few years ago, some kids let me borrow their tire iron and suddenly, two guys were screaming across the street. one kept telling the other, "get the fuck away from my car" and when he didn't, he wrestled him down to the ground, the young men that were helping me started walking over to break it up, I told him not to because I had my hands full and didn't want to be responsible for the kid getting hurt. so, we walked over, 3 of us and broke it up, sent them on their ways so it was ok.

I generally just watch fights when I see them, I really don't think it's that serious, way better than shootings. More men should fight more often we'd probably learn to respect each other a bit more and not be so aggressive so quickly. I've seen some real good scraps in the streets, some where, if they dont', each should have respect for each other because they warred.
absolutely, i've said since covid began that people's asses would be showing. Most people are not that strong under their exterior. I really believe a lot of the "BLM" riots were just an excuse for people to get out, be with others and act a fucking fool.
It is just too ironic that I have never seen a fight break out in my whole life in a place like a grocery store, and this guy and I both encounter the same thing and at Walmart, within months of each other. I think you are dead too, that the lockdowns made people change, get more on edge angry/depressed and Walmart is one of the few places that all the public have to be in large numbers, paired with the fact it appeals to the less economically privileged.
I haven't been in a Walmart in 2 years, the majority of the customers are disgusting.
It is just too ironic that I have never seen a fight break out in my whole life in a place like a grocery store, and this guy and I both encounter the same thing and at Walmart, within months of each other. I think you are dead too, that the lockdowns made people change, get more on edge angry/depressed and Walmart is one of the few places that all the public have to be in large numbers, paired with the fact it appeals to the less economically privileged.

People did change but the way I see it, did they change or just reveal who they really are?
I haven't been in a Walmart in 2 years, the majority of the customers are disgusting.
you know what I think though? I don't remember feeling as tensed up in grocery stores as I do today, more people? Sure, but also, the aisles and space they have seems to be so much less than it used to. It's hard for everyone and i don't remember that when I was kid, part of that is i wasn't as worn out from dealing with the world but they also try to compress as many people into as little space as possible and that's why we feel so damned agitated. I don't understand how people cannot see it. I know folks who live in rich neighborhoods and don't feel at peace because of their next door neighbor, doesn't make sense to me to spend that kind of money and not feel relaxed and of course apartments are a shitty place to live.
you know what I think though? I don't remember feeling as tensed up in grocery stores as I do today, more people? Sure, but also, the aisles and space they have seems to be so much less than it used to. It's hard for everyone and i don't remember that when I was kid, part of that is i wasn't as worn out from dealing with the world but they also try to compress as many people into as little space as possible and that's why we feel so damned agitated. I don't understand how people cannot see it. I know folks who live in rich neighborhoods and don't feel at peace because of their next door neighbor, doesn't make sense to me to spend that kind of money and not feel relaxed and of course apartments are a shitty place to live.
Paragraphs, sunshine. Please. I will actually read it then :)
People did change but the way I see it, did they change or just reveal who they really are?
Probably a bit of both. I work with animal alots, used to even train dogs. I know that if you leave a dog in all day, do not walk it and give it structure, they are more prone to misbehave and get into fights. That is all that the show 'The dog whisperer' with cesar milan is about really. People are really just animals, no other way to cut it, and subject to the same behavioral ups and downs as other animals. The lockdowns kind of became like that movie "Blackfish" about that Orca whale Tilikum, who became a killer after being cut off from other whales and stuck in a tiny tank.
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Probably a bit of both. I work with animal alots, used to even train dogs. I know that if you leave a dog in all day, do not walk it and give it structure, they are more prone to misbehave and get into fights. That is all that the show 'The dog whisperer' with cesar milan is about really. Animals are really just animals, no other way to cut it, and subject to the same behavioral ups and downs as other animals. The lockdowns kind of became like that movie "Blackfish" about that Ora whale Tilikum, who became a killer after being cut off from other whales and stuck in a tiny tank.

I could see that but we aren't that cooped up, we aren't locked in our houses and we did a piss poor job of managing covid in terms of the numbers.

I just think the average person is not that strong. But, that's what I got out of my many years in martial arts and boxing, that you should avoid losing your cool at all costs. Hell, even when i saw a guy breaking into my car a few months ago I was calm as fuck and approached him, ready to whip his ass but even in that situation I wasn't yelling and screaming, that's bitch shit. Control yourself and if you can't you're to blame.
Pasta sauce at 11pm? You should have been in bed, dreaming of breakfast instead.
Wow! Glad you're safe man.

Something similar happened with me when I was a teen working my first legit job in a grocery store. I was at checkout cleaning/bagging groceries and was about to pop a chocolate Quik. My boss said "Strych! Get back there and help Danny!" I ran back there and there were these two adult (and hot) women going toe to toe near the cereal!

Danny grabbed one and I grabbed the other and a WAD OF CASH fell out of her bra. The boss said he wasn't going to call the cops but told them to get out for the day. I returned the cash to the lady and all I got as a reward was a claw mark across my then bird chest.

You still have a bird chest.
Who in their right mind would wanna mess with this?

That's Bubba on roids. Still on crack but with roids now too. Crack and roids and Walmart pastasauce.
I started paying attention literally right before it got physical.

I needed some cans of pasta sauce and Walmart is the only thing open until 11pm here in Toronto. The place was closing and I was in line.

i just noticed that all of a sudden it got really quiet in line, it was very loud a moment ago.

There was an Arab guy working the Walmart counter and he had a beef with a black customer in line.

The Black Guy yelled something like “Come on then Pussy!”

And I didn’t expect it but the bald middle aged Arab guy jumped the counter and charged him and they started banging it out right in front of the customer service desk.

I was just standing there watching in a trance, not moving, until the Spanish guy next to me in line said “We gotta stop this meng” and I just nodded and we ran over.

We got between them and tried to separate them and got between them, but they were still swinging over our heads and hitting each other. One punch hit me in the shoulder and another zinged over my ear.

I thought about taking one of them down and holding them down but I was afraid if I took down one of them the other one would stomp the other ones head in and it would be my fault.

After they gassed out the black guy ran off.

A bunch of older white ladies called the cops. I posted this from my car in the parking lot.

Dumb move. Shoulda kocked them both out and left with the pasta sauce without paying.