Locked I have two weeks left to live.

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I am sorry you are dying. You have a great attitude and I LOVE the prank on your bro. Make sure everyone knows how you feel, maybe make a video. I am a firm believer that there is more than just this. I am not religious in the least. But as a Sci Fi fan and a fan of Sub Atomic and Quantum Physics, there is ALWAYS more than we think. On to the next adventure, eat and drink and be merry for your remaining days.
Once our central nervous system shuts down and our brain goes dim I don't see how self-awareness is possible, but if you know something I don't please chime in.
You planning on going balls to the wall for the next two weeks? I know I would
I was in love with Court of the Crimson king in my twenties... There is one thing I'm going to try, but generally I'm not mobile enough to do anything too crazy.
Yep, it kind of sucks, but I'm not depressed over it. I've kept my illness from my family and friends so this will be the only chance I have of discussing this with the living. Norm McDonald handled his demise very well and the last thing he wanted was for people to pity him and I feel the same about my situation. I'm not in any pain, but I can't help but wonder what will happen after my heart stops. I suppose there might be something else, but I expect a permanent night. I like pranks and plan on scheduling a text message to my brother a week after I'm gone. It will read: "Before you go to bed tonight don't forget to look under the bed."

What are you dying from?
Yeah, what are you dying from? Why leave the most important part out?

Hope youre not planning suicide...
Not telling your family about it is kinda messed up.

At least do you have your affairs in order (will and funeral arrangments) ? Or you are going to surprise someone close to you and let them mourn and manage your funeral?
Yep, it kind of sucks, but I'm not depressed over it. I've kept my illness from my family and friends so this will be the only chance I have of discussing this with the living. Norm McDonald handled his demise very well and the last thing he wanted was for people to pity him and I feel the same about my situation. I'm not in any pain, but I can't help but wonder what will happen after my heart stops. I suppose there might be something else, but I expect a permanent night. I like pranks and plan on scheduling a text message to my brother a week after I'm gone. It will read: "Before you go to bed tonight don't forget to look under the bed."

You'll still be posting here in a month.
Once our central nervous system shuts down and our brain goes dim I don't see how self-awareness is possible, but if you know something I don't please chime in.

You never know, friend. Folks who have had near death experiences often say there is a feeling of golden warmth and all encompassing love on the other side.

I'm not saying it makes scientific sense, but there is a lot we don't know about ourselves and the universe. I will say a prayer for you. Hope that is ok.
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