I have a really stupid question

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Orange Belt
May 28, 2005
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My gloves are starting to smell horrible. I really cant wear them. Can someone tell me the best way to clean my gloves?
the same products you can use to freshen up shoes will work for gloves (sprays or powders)... though washing your handwraps is really the best thing you can do to prevent/lessen the funk...

my favorite was always going to a gym and wearing heargear that smelled like it doubled as a diaper...
just use the sam spray you would for shoes as someone else already said. its all you can do i think
Make sure you open them up and let them dry out when you're done training. I put a little baking soda in mine. Absorbs the moisture and the smell.
Rexholio said:
Make sure you open them up and let them dry out when you're done training. I put a little baking soda in mine. Absorbs the moisture and the smell.

I do this as well.
Rexholio said:
Make sure you open them up and let them dry out when you're done training. I put a little baking soda in mine. Absorbs the moisture and the smell.

Best idea without spending money. Keep them in a cool, dry place and set them up so they are open and air can find its way inside. Hang and wash your wraps when finished also. Don't just throw your shit in your bag and leave them until the next session. And the glove dogs help a bit. But you can just buy cedar pouches at the drug store, they work the same.
Common problem. I don't know about hanging and drying the gloves. The bigger gloves just have nooks in them that the air can't reach. I recommend foot powder, and if you really want to avoid any stink, hand "socks." Basic cheap cloth gloves that you can buy at any supermarket. Just make sure they're cloth and not rubber. You can wear them over your hand wraps.
the best thing to do is buy or get some pantyhose and cut them above ankle-----fill the foot with kitty litter and tie it up and stick in gloves when not wearing them----works for shoes and sneakers also---beats anything out there
i just keep them in my bag and let them smell like shit. after using handwraps that obviously helps, but pretty much i just wear em, and wash my hands before its time for jits class