I got a cold! Arrrgh!


Renegade of Funk
Nov 25, 2004
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Holy crap. I feel like fucking shit. I'm suspecting I got it from my brother who tends to never put his hand over his mouth when he coughs, or the fact I sleep next to a window breathing in cold NYC air. Who knows? But do you guys know anaything that will help me get rid of this fucking piece of shit cold? I was drinking water all day yesterday, and drank a shtiload of orange juice and now I feel worst. Someone help me :(
Shut your window. Cold air moving into warm air is a magic carpet for bacteria. Or at least move away from the window if the inside of the room is heated.

AWESOME cold products include:

Emergen-C: You should have seen by now the threads about this crap. Fights the cold and gets rid of that "I been hit by a truck" feeling while you're sick.

Echinacea: Duly known for cold-fighting.

Throat Coat Tea: Mix this shit with a little bit of honey and if you have a sore throat it's fixed in no-time.

Zinc Lozenges: These bad boys don't just numb a sore throat but they actually help to repair the damaged tissue.

You get those and you should feel normal. But a MAJOR hint, if you take them and feel better as early as the next day DO NOT STOP TAKING THEM. No cols virus is fought off in a day, so if you take them, feel better, and then stop you WILL feel like shit again. Take them for a set period of time, like a week and a half or two.
Chicken soup, hot tea as needed, rest, perhaps a vitamin C tablet a day is all you need.

Colds need 2-5 days to be fought off, it all depends on the virus and your immune system.
So I've always been very sickly. I kept trying to eat 'healthier' by trying to clean up my diet and cut out fats and stuff. I got sick like once a month and they were all horrible lasting a week or two. This year I've gone high protein/fat and cut out fast digesting carbs (pretty much all grains). Now, once in a while I'll feel a cold start and I just stick to my diet, eat something heavy, and I'm usually over colds within a day or two. Based on my experience, I suggest staying away from grains/sugar/fast carbs and eat lots of meat.
Might just be a hindsight bias, but looking back, I do remember when I was sick (before my new diet), I'd eat lots of pasta and vegetables and feel shitier and shitier, but when I had meat around my body fought the colds much better.
Do you take multivitamins everyday man? I noticed taking them when I was in college and got little sleep kept me from getting sick. I like emergen-c and airborne is supposed to be pretty good too.
Yeah I take a multivitamin and multimineral 2 times a day. In the morning and before I go to bed. I just started and I still got sick. I feel MUCH better today. I bought Zinc Losenges and it helped. I gotta take some more Enchinecea. Do you guys prefer Enchinecea in capsule form or as a powder? I got the one from rite-aid. Is that any good?
Soid said:
Holy crap. I feel like fucking shit. I'm suspecting I got it from my brother who tends to never put his hand over his mouth when he coughs, or the fact I sleep next to a window breathing in cold NYC air. Who knows? But do you guys know anaything that will help me get rid of this fucking piece of shit cold? I was drinking water all day yesterday, and drank a shtiload of orange juice and now I feel worst. Someone help me :(

Aw... :-(((( Well first of all, if you really feel that bad, go to the doctor! Viruses like that can lead into other serious conditions if left untreated and they don't get better soon (especially if it's respiratory related). What are your symptoms? It could be the flu, or something like a sinus infection or strep throat. I'm very good with medical problems, since that's my major, so I'll be able to give you a better idea of what's going on if you list your symptoms.

*Don't drink orange juice if it stings your throat (that always happens to me when I'm sick). Instead, take vitamin C tablets.
*Keep hydrated NO MATTER WHAT. (Don't drink milk though; for the little nutritional value that it actually has, it's not worth building phlegm over and having a hacking cough for days.)
*If you have a fever, switch back and forth between Tylenol and Motrin every 6 hours and use only ONE blanket.
*I'm not trying to gross anyone out, but if you start vomiting or have diarrhea, do yourself a favor and take yourself to the doctor right away -- before you get dehydrated, because it's no fun getting stuck to an I.V. in the hospital for 2 days (again, it's happened to me quite a few times).
*Dump your toothbrush and get a new one as soon as you start feeling a little better, and after you brush your teeth each time, run it under really hot water for a few minutes.

Good luck and I hope you feel better. Get plenty of rest as well!!!