I don't understand people who rank Nogueira above Stipe

Hoostish Sapp takes the UFC title with ease (any era) and likely defends at least 4-5 times. Real talk.
In the 1st fight, Mir was 29 & it was his 15th fight.
Meanwhile, Nog was 32 & it was his 38th fight.

Not to mention that Nogueira was run over by a truck as a child, so Mir's bike crash doesn't exactly play well here lol.
A lot of people like to look back at the Pride fighters through rose colored lenses like they were these unbeatable forces. They had some great fighters, but it was proven that all of them were beatable.
Every person on the planet can be beaten... lol.

Go watch Struve vs Nog and Struve vs Stipe

Not saying that means anything, but they clearly are both capable of beating each other. I mean its a fuckin fact we have seen common opponents go either way.

I personally think you need to look at the age of competition too. HW MMA is not good right now and hasen't been for years. Nog was really fuckin good when everyone was young, its just the same old assholes still circulating.

So Stipe being champ now, (after losing to fuckin 40 something Cormeir and redeeming himself after getting shit on for 2 rounds)

isnt as impressive as Nog beating everyone when they were in their 20s.
Literally no one outside of Sherdog ranks Nog above Stipe, you should get out sometime.

It's Nog's own fault for fighting outside his prime, and he actually has more losses during his prime than Stipe does, despite beating worse competition.
Fight Matrix has Nog 2nd and Stipe 3rd
Yeah, which is why Fedor is the HW GOAT. Fedor had 12 top 10 wins and beat Big Nog twice so he's number 1 and Big Nog has 14 top 10 wins so he's number 2.

I think youre missing some top 10 wins for both Nog and Fedor. I used to have all these old rankings archived. Iirc Fedor had 14 top 10 wins and Nog had 15+. Nog was neck and neck with Hendo, GSP, and Anderson for most top 10 wins.
If you say Green Werdum for Big Nog then you also have to say Green Ngannou and old farts DC, Werdum, Reem and JDS for Stipe.
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You're a moron. Fed Nog number one number 2, Stipe's career is a snooze fest of picking on washed up subprime greats.
What was that incoherent mess of a sentence there? You are calling me a moron just cause I thought fighter a was better than fighter b? What kind of fuxkin jizz belt asshole are you?

Francis 10 years from now would 1 shot prime roided up nog into a coma.

Stipe getting a first round KO in most of his fights for the last 6 years is a snooze fest? Was nog dry humping Japanese cans while roided up more what yur into?

Nog has a losing record in fights he was drug tested in. He performed pretty shitty in pre-usada tests. Imagine if usada was around back then. He would have been cut over to Bellator in 5 minutes and then proceeded to get his ass kicked over there too... by light heavyweights.

He was around the same age as the people in the ufc who made him look like dog shit so you can’t pull the “out of his prime” excuse. He wasn’t even old yet when he started getting shit all over anyway
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They’re both neck and neck in my book. As a Stipe fan before he joined the UFC, I am thrilled to see how far he has made it in his mma career. I honestly didn’t think I would ever see him debated against Nogueira for all time great. At the moment, I would still give Nog the slight edge due to number of top ten wins, and slight edge in competition. I still can’t believe he pulled off some of those come from behind victories. Both guys are non debatable top ten though, so that’s good enough for me lol.
I would like to see this thread bumped after Stipe fights Cormier. Will the rematch effect people’s opinion, or is Stipe expected to win? I still think it would be a significant victory if he stops Cormier again.
What was that incoherent mess of a sentence there? You are calling me a moron just cause I thought fighter a was better than fighter b? What kind of fuxkin jizz belt asshole are you?

Francis 10 years from now would 1 shot prime roided up nog into a coma.

Stipe getting a first round KO in most of his fights for the last 6 years is a snooze fest? Was nog dry humping Japanese cans while roided up more what yur into?

Nog has a losing record in fights he was drug tested in. He performed pretty shitty in pre-usada tests. Imagine if usada was around back then. He would have been cut over to Bellator in 5 minutes and then proceeded to get his ass kicked over there too... by light heavyweights.

He was around the same age as the people in the ufc who made him look like dog shit so you can’t pull the “out of his prime” excuse. He wasn’t even old yet when he started getting shit all over anyway
BJ no.gif


dc lol.gif
Francis 10 years from now would 1 shot prime roided up nog into a coma.

Someone hyping up Ngannou is claiming Nog was on steroids?

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Someone hyping up Ngannou is claiming Nog was on steroids?

Fine then ... even playing field “open substance division” fight and Francis 10 years from now 1 shots prime nog into A coma.

drug tested fight, non drug tested fight... doesn’t matter. Francis plooks nog at any point of either of their careers
Fine then ... even playing field “open substance division” fight and Francis 10 years from now 1 shots prime nog into A coma.

drug tested fight, non drug tested fight... doesn’t matter. Francis plooks nog at any point of either of their careers

I'm sorry but can you honestly look at these two guys and say you really think Nog was more likely to be on PEDs? really? can't say I view USADA drug testing as fool proof either post Jones.

Honestly even in Pride I think Nog was probably at a disadvantage due to the testing as he was facing guys like Sapp, Coleman and Barnett who have a clear PED history, the same with Fedor. We can't know they weren't using of course but it seems much more likely their opponents were.
Assessing individual wins is better than just counting the number of top 10 wins someone has

Hypothetical: If fighter A has 20 top 10 wins, but 10 losses, is it better than Fighter B who has 15 top 10 wins but 1 loss?

Werdum fought that way because he got cracked hard by Stipe prior to the bullrush

Werdum was UFC champion and actually a decent striker when he fought Stipe

Werdum was 38 and lost to fucking washep up Overeem the year after... is it really your reference point ? And your didn't say anything about JDS
I'm sorry but can you honestly look at these two guys and say you really think Nog was more likely to be on PEDs? really? can't say I view USADA drug testing as fool proof either

this is called putting words into my mouth. When did I ever say this guy was more roided than that guy? I never did.

Nogs big run did happen under zero testing whatsoever tho and Francis knows nothing but the usada era. Does that mean anything... prolly not cuz nog gets destroyed in that fight in any theoretical situation ... PEDs, no PEDs, while nog was older, younger, in his prime or out at any point ever for either of them nog gets plooked
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Nog is from the fantasy glory days of Pride, he’s nut hugged by many. Awesome fighter, sadly what made him so exciting is also what made him so beat up. He took so much damage in every fight, he came back so many times from the brink. His win over Sylvia was great and prob one of the last couple times Tim was in shape.

He could have been a UFC champ if he came over a few years earlier.