i beat a black belt...


White Belt
Oct 17, 2005
Reaction score
well my friend is a black belt in jeet kune do, or whatever that is (bruce lee's stuff). and the other day we had a fight with me winning by submission. i think i landed around 5 punches to his head and he landed a decent amount of body shots to me. however, i dont actually train in BJJ at a school or anything but ive practiced moves before. i won with an achilles lock but basically i was wondering...

how could this black belt get beaten by me? i dont see many fighters with JKD background so maybe its not as effective? i think he should lose a belt rank for getting beat by me ha
tylerCLoUtier said:
well my friend is a black belt in jeet kune do, or whatever that is (bruce lee's stuff). and the other day we had a fight with me winning by submission. i think i landed around 5 punches to his head and he landed a decent amount of body shots to me. however, i dont actually train in BJJ at a school or anything but ive practiced moves before. i won with an achilles lock but basically i was wondering...

how could this black belt get beaten by me? i dont see many fighters with JKD background so maybe its not as effective? i think he should lose a belt rank for getting beat by me ha
He probably didn't get beaten by you. You're probably lying through your teeth.
nice first post dude. where's mirada with the hot pics?
well believe it or not, i really did beat him, ask him or any of the other guys there. i just looked up some JKD info and it seems more of punch counters and other types of counters but i didnt start off punching, i took him down and he ended up landing on top of me later, when i stood up and dropped him to the ground. then i grabbed a hold of his achilles and executed it there. no need to flame, seeing as im telling the truth.
i do practice BJJ from BJJ.org but have yet to get to a school around here. i also have multiple books on brazilian jiu-jitsu along with a few DVD's.

{edit} we're both 16, hes maybe 10 pounds heavier than me. how he got a blackbelt in the 4 or 5 years hes been training, i dont know..
weird that he's your "friend"?
youve never fought a friend in a match before? that happens all the time around here, every fighter pretty much knows every other fighter...
Blackbelt in JKD is an oxymoron. Do you know I am also a Blackbelt in wrestling?
gracie_barra, ha so basically, i should feel like $h!t for beating him? u kinda make it seem like it wasnt even worth talking about even though it is true? JKD blackbelt = whack?
aright thanks a lot then. my confidence was boosted, but now i just feel bad for the kid. ha thanks a lot guys, unless you flamed me...obviously u didnt know much about JKD either
I'm 17 and I have a fart that'll knock both of your asses down. And you are not a fighter by the age of 16, you are just someone who wishes they were and has a pillow fight with his friend to feel like Fedor. But guess what.. you still suck.

Welcome to sherdog.
who u tellin to stfu? me or this farting kid? ive prolly seen more fights than this kid has anyways, ive been involved in more streetfights than u can imagine a 16 kid could have gone through. asians are easy to pick on arent they? but i can still kick most of their asses.

and btw, i just found my friends instructor and i cant find a belt rank, he's only a "certified instructor or JKD"

edit = {nvm i just saw the tylercoutier part}
Maybe he was wushu
...sound like something i would eat...
oh and stfu newbie whitebelt
tylerCLoUtier said:
and btw, i just found my friends instructor and i cant find a belt rank, he's only a "certified instructor or JKD"

edit = {nvm i just saw the tylercoutier part}

How about giving us a link to some info on him or just a name. Some of us(sadly, me included) know a thing or two about who
tylerCLoUtier said:
asians are easy to pick on arent they? but i can still kick most of their asses.

fucking kidding me right? Ban this racists.....
didn't see it that way.anyways this guy is a troll.