I am thinking about taking a lot of supplements (please help)


White Belt
Nov 23, 2004
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I am starting to get pretty serious with weightlifting again. I need to shed about another 20 pounds of fat. I am 18 years old, 185 pounds, and 6'0. I am thinking of taking the follow supplements:

Animal Pak(or Stak 2... since I think the original is banned now)
Nutrix Lipo 6
Eclipse 2000 Deluxe Chitosan Fat Blocker
Whey Protein

Is it safe to take all of these at the same time?? Is there any reason why all of these shouldn't be mixed at the same time... if so, why? I tried looking up old threads but couldn't find any. I would appreciate any information that you can give me.. Also does anyone know how well Animal Pak works? and if its still legal to buy?
id just take one or the other of lipo6 or the chitosan fat blocker. i hear lipo6 works really well. Animal Pak is legal as far as i know.
R4pp0r said:
I am starting to get pretty serious with weightlifting again. I need to shed about another 20 pounds of fat. I am 18 years old, 185 pounds, and 6'0. I am thinking of taking the follow supplements:

Animal Pak(or Stak 2... since I think the original is banned now)
Nutrix Lipo 6
Eclipse 2000 Deluxe Chitosan Fat Blocker
Whey Protein

Is it safe to take all of these at the same time?? Is there any reason why all of these shouldn't be mixed at the same time... if so, why? I tried looking up old threads but couldn't find any. I would appreciate any information that you can give me.. Also does anyone know how well Animal Pak works? and if its still legal to buy?

..Ugh another misinformed young fellow.. Why with so many diet pills? Why not do it the hard but sure way..

You need to spend your money on protein, protein, protein oh and protein.. I see you've got whey in there but why don't you try eating correctly, having a high protein diet (along with green veggies) and exercise/Weight training.

My advice stop with the 'Miracle Pills' and actually put effort into it instead of starving yourself..
no matter what you tell someone, they are gonna try somekind of diet pill. but more than one is silly. take soy and casien protien also.

what is animal pak? ive seen alot, but never been intersted enough to check it out.
Weightlifting will help you lose fat, but the way to get your best results is done with cardio and at the dinner table.
do cardio and eat right, why all those supplements
The thing is... i dont want to load up too much protein because im trying to lose wight.... I figured all those supplements... plus a well balanced diet and workout routine and I should see results fairly quickly... more so then if I just did it all naturally?
Studies show Chitosan is not that great.
Lipo 6 is easily beaten out by Lipodrene.
Animal Pak and Stak are totally different so they cannot be compared.

Put your money towards a Cytosport protein and some greens.
Put this much effort into your diet and exercise and forget supps for a bit. More likely than not you'll spend 200 bucks on supps and stop working out after 2 weeks. Supplements should supplement a good diet and workout, not be the main focus.
They are called 'supplements' for a reason. They are there to aid not replace. Supplements are last 5% of the equation after you have the first 95% down cold (nutrition, resistance, cardio, rest and recovery).

First, get your nutrition in order. Keep a food long for a week and see how much you are really eating. Make adjustments accordingly. If your protein intake is low and you can't look at another chunk of chicken then consider a protein drink/powder.

Second, get your weight lifting and cardio work in alignment with your goals. Are you doing enough of the correct cardio for your goal? Got a training log, yet?

Spend your money on chicken, milk and movies with your girlfriend.
R4pp0r said:
The thing is... i dont want to load up too much protein because im trying to lose wight.... I figured all those supplements... plus a well balanced diet and workout routine and I should see results fairly quickly... more so then if I just did it all naturally?

Studies show that a diet in protien will help you loose alot of weight. I'm not saying eat 400 grams of protein. Eat 1 gram of protien per lb on your body.. You will want to burn fat not muscle and atleast with 1gram of protein per lbs you will perserve your muscle that you will need to have to burn calories.. If you don't want to get bulked up .. do body weight exercises.

You will feel like shit once you get off the diet pills and gain that weight back (and I've heard once you lose the weight and gain it back it's harder to get rid of).. I'm telling you a balanced diet (lean meats, green veggies and protein) with exercise will see the weight come off fairly quickly
Ok... What about Lipo 6 and Vasopro Ephedra 25mg... and a well balancied diet and workout routine?
Ugh. This supplement regimen sucks.


Christ, I'm turning into Urban.
Madmick said:
Ugh. This supplement regimen sucks.


Christ, I'm turning into Urban.

I think he has been told that supplement regimen sucks.. Yes you do sound like Urban
Wow, I am the only one that finds it ironic that there are more and more weight loss pills/potions while the rate of obesity continues to grow? Anyway, 18 year-old-kids don't need weight loss supps or test boosters or any other magic pill. Spend your money on a good pair of running shoes, or a mountain bike, or a pool pass, or kick boxing class, or Bas's workout DVD, or whatever. A muti-vitamin and good diet is all you need, if you can't eat enough protein whey protein will help. Anyway, I'm not trying knock you, I guess I'm just pissed at all the B.S. marketing by the supp companies. There aren't any short cuts that you can buy, it's still all about training hard and eating smart. Why don't you post weekly training routine and some real advice on how burn the fat off?
yea, for some reason, it seems the supp business has blown way up lately, and everyone buys into the hype. i bought into it too for a while. i realized that your diet was more important than supps. i only take protien, creatine, a multi. and a thermo every couple months. i used to stack and slam everything i could afford. waste of money. and yea, protien can help you lose weight.
your 6 feet and want to weigh 160? why be that small? thats crazy.
I want to be 165 solid with no fat and then bulk up to about 185 all muscle.