I am seriously asking you, why do you like Trump? Please note: I'm not trying to fight.

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You're a coward who would never DARE try to force someone to stand. (like that hick tried to do)

You're the kind of person who talks and talks...and talks.

of course i would, i use to be a honor guard in the boy scouts, know how to fold a flag and everything.

you could have just said, you were a lazy retard you know.
Because the status quo simply isn't enough anymore. For better or worse, government and the media covering it simply won't be the same after this point. If it takes Trump to shake awake the American people and those representing us and brings a real focus to our politics and society from a populous that rarely looks beyond it's own individual self-interest for any length of time then it was worth it.

Trump has people talking, looking and getting involved. Whether for or against is better than non-interest.
of course i would, i use to be a honor guard in the boy scouts, know how to fold a flag and everything.

you could have just said, you were a lazy retard you know.


Come see me at the UFC Gym in Seattle.

We'll see what's what in about 3 seconds.

Come see me at the UFC Gym in Seattle.

We'll see what's what in about 3 seconds.
you're still trying to avoid that whole entire premise of you backing up your claims that Trump is racist.
you're still trying to avoid that whole entire premise of you backing up your claims that Trump is racist.

Lanx said:
of course i would, i use to be a honor guard in the boy scouts, know how to fold a flag and everything.

you could have just said, you were a lazy retard you know.

Like I said...

Come see me.

I'll show you what's up.
Lanx said:
of course i would, i use to be a honor guard in the boy scouts, know how to fold a flag and everything.

you could have just said, you were a lazy retard you know.

Like I said...

Come see me.

I'll show you what's up.
so yea, you have nothing to argue your point on Trump being a racist. One you break past the rhetoric that the Liberals have been feeding you, there's not much.
is there another subject about Trump you want to argue over instead? and lose? cuz much like Trump winning feels good.
so yea, you have nothing to argue your point on Trump being a racist. One you break past the rhetoric that the Liberals have been feeding you, there's not much.


I'm done talking to you.

Have a trump day.
is there another subject about Trump you want to argue over instead? and lose? cuz much like Trump winning feels good.

Of course it feels good to you.

That's your only "victory" to speak of.
Not a Trump supporter, never have been. I think this was a mistake. That said, I'll address each point with possible explanations and, where available, silver linings.

1) he lies and lies and lies and...lies

2) he uses TWITTER for the most POINTLESS THINGS EVER

3) he filled his cabinet with the definition of "corporate swamp people",

4) and of course there's Bannon and Carson.........; MIKE FUCKING PENCE is his vice...; etc, etc, etc.

5) Anyway, why do you like him?

1) So did all of his opposition. Doesn't make it right but if integrity matters to you then we didn't really have any good options except maybe Gary Johnson and even then it's only relative (barring other problems a GJ presidency would've had)

2) Kind of a silly thing to hold against a president (or anyone for that matter) imo

3) Legitimate criticism, even some of his supporters have started going "wtf?" And those guys would make excuses for him if he made scientology the national religion and had skeptics put to death (semi srs)

4) No defense for the first 2. However, in Pence's case I honestly think he put him there as assassination insurance (100% srs)

5) I wouldn't go that far but here are some silver linings to his presidency

- 2 for 1 executive order has potential
- Doesn't appear to be planning any particularly aggressive moves against states rights (not that I'm aware of at least)
- The fact that he got voted into power in spite of all the coverage against him tells me that you can no longer be shut down by someone that doesn't like you just because they kept regurgitating "racist sexist homophobe and some such" ad-nauseum. This is glorious to me, as it indicates that in the future voters will have to wake up and and attack policies on a more factual basis. Although I do not believe that spite for SJWs is a good basis off of which to cast a vote, I at least take this as an indication that the amount of control they can exert by screaming over the moderate masses actually has its limitations.
- Hasn't expressed any interest in fighting against marijuana legalization (Clinton did, in a leaked email). I'm still a little worried about Jeff Sessions tho...
- Speaking of Sessions, his views on marijuana may be as crony-capitalist as you can possibly get but for awhile it was looking like our AG was going to be Chris Christie and thank GOD our president came to his senses on that one. This isn't exactly a praise to be sung for Trump, I'm just relieved that he didn't make the WORST possible pick
- Mattis should be a legit secdef and seems a decent foil for Trump's trigger-happiness
I was on the fence about Trump. I refused to vote for Hillary so Trump got my vote. The guy stated that he identifies as a Dem then steals the election as a Repub. Brilliant! He's wasn't a politician, he comes in and f#cks up all of the politicians at their own game. I've never been so entertained. Add in the fact that he's actually trying to keep his campaign promises and I'm liking him. After Bush then Obama I was ready for a shake up. I got it.

My granny would always say "Be careful what you wish for, because you just may get it"..!
Lol trump is a true patriot. Lulz.

Seano please stay clueless. It's adorable.

Patriot. Lmao
Jesus, STFU. Seriously. What a pretentious cock you are.
He is. He's been speaking for the betterment of the country since the 80s. Many years before he ever ran for office.

Maybe he doesn't envision the same crybaby, gender free , self loathing utopia that you so desperately wish to live in but he shares the beliefs and ideals of millions upon millions of people.
Trump...the "true patriot".

His service in the military was...EPIC.

And the common man...oh how he's fought FOR THEM and WITH THEM for his entire life.

True majesty.
I never said he was in the military. Learn to read before responding to me next time, please.
How done are you? Like really done? Or just done done? Or well done?
i think it was when he started the thread with this

I am seriously asking you, why do you like Trump? Please note: I'm not trying to fight

only he wasn't being serious, he was just sitting on his couch and reading about Trump winning again and got triggered.
Jesus, STFU. Seriously. What a pretentious cock you are.
He is. He's been speaking for the betterment of the country since the 80s. Many years before he ever ran for office.

Maybe he doesn't envision the same crybaby, gender free , self loathing utopia that you so desperately wish to live in but he shares the beliefs and ideals of millions upon millions of people.

If you think trump is patriotic than I think you need some type of therapy.

Hes maybe the most anti American president we've ever had.

If you thinks he cares about his voting base you're nuts. Well more nuts than you already are. Which is mostly clueless and uninformed.
Jesus, STFU. Seriously. What a pretentious cock you are.
He is. He's been speaking for the betterment of the country since the 80s. Many years before he ever ran for office.

Maybe he doesn't envision the same crybaby, gender free , self loathing utopia that you so desperately wish to live in but he shares the beliefs and ideals of millions upon millions of people.
here bro, just link retards this compilation video of Trumps 80s interviews
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