Not only did Mark Hunt say brock Lesnar is "juiced to the gills" but now he's saying things such as "He's (Brock's) not even in the top 10." He's saying things designed to make Lesnar look like a second rate opponent. If he were smart, Hunt would talk trash about Brock (if Hunt wants to) but in a way where he makes it clear that Lesnar is a phenomenal athlete, has risen to the top of anything he's ever put at least a couple of years into (NCAA Wrestling Div. 1 Champion, WWE, Champion, UFC Champion, tied record for most consecutive successful title defenses for a UFC Heavyweight Champion, etc.) he has risen to the absolute top of that field of endeavor.
The more formidable opponent Hunt makes Lesnar out to be, the greater the perceived accomplishment for Hunt if he wins. If Hunt loses at least he lost to an amazing athlete. But if Hunt talks about Brock as if Lesnar is garbage and Hunt loses, then Hunt lost to garbage. If Hunt wins, so what? He just wins against a guy he said was nothing. Hunt may be a great athlete but he doesn't know anything about the right way to build up a fight in a way to help his career and his image.
The more formidable opponent Hunt makes Lesnar out to be, the greater the perceived accomplishment for Hunt if he wins. If Hunt loses at least he lost to an amazing athlete. But if Hunt talks about Brock as if Lesnar is garbage and Hunt loses, then Hunt lost to garbage. If Hunt wins, so what? He just wins against a guy he said was nothing. Hunt may be a great athlete but he doesn't know anything about the right way to build up a fight in a way to help his career and his image.
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