Hundreds of migrants storm border fence into Spain, attack with stones, feces, hammers, fire

Congrats, Spain. You just moved up a notch on the Shithole Index.

Spain is now an "aspiring shithole".

Such enrichment. Spain is definitely a better country now with these fine, civilized gentlemen.

Seriously though, why are these dumb fucks allowing this to happen? Every day I'm happier and happier to have an ocean on each side of me.
this used to be called a battle. now it is just immigration.

Custers Last Immigration Attempt.
There needs to be a 100ft high wall around Europe. If they can make it past that they can live there.
The population of Africa is set to grow to 2.5 billion by 2050 and well over 4 billion by 2100. While dark force in Europe want to keep letting these people in. Even ignoring to obvious catastrophic social impact, this is simply not sustainable

What is the point of having borders?

In all seriousness, it is time to open fire. This is an outright invasion. In other words, an attack.
Some original, raw footage with audio here. It's way better with audio:

White progressives and bitter minorities that hate white people are too stupid to realize they're going along with the plans of evil white people at the top of the pyramid.

Way to be the white man's bitch!
Western Europe looks like a great big pussy just waiting to be fucked to people from the 3rd world. They're about to find out what actual toxic masculinity is all about .
that's definitely unsettling. no women, no children. only prime fighting age males in real good physical condition.
Needs more belt fed. Usually if someone is storming your border armed with weapons they are treated as an enemy invader.
What does the EU have to do with Spanish immigration policy on its illegally occupied territories in Africa?
Did you believe a Russian bot on r/thedonald that the EU makes Spanish immigration policy?
I think they're probably referencing authoritarian policies like this one-- in this case regarding Hungary and Slovakia:
E.U. Countries Must Accept Their Share of Migrants, Court Rules

Other countries weren't happy, either:
European Union Asks Member Countries to Accept Quotas of Migrants

Spain is now the one expected to bend the knee. Italy and Greece said no more:
Rescue ships dock in Spain as migrant debate roils Europe
A country doesn't just import a person but all the prejudices, hatred, and beliefs that accompany them as well.

Why do governments believe people from societies that haven't evolved anywhere near as much as Western societies have, will simply fit in and suddenly take on Western societies beliefs?

How do they think the best way to enhance Western society is to bring in thousands of people who believe females and gays have no rights, for example?

Why don't countries learn anything from seeing how this type of mass migration is destroying other Western countries? Are they ignorant to the contents of the koran?

The West criticizes Eastern European countries as being racist because those countries ARE learning from the West's mistakes as far as mass immigration goes.
I think they're probably referencing authoritarian policies like this one-- in this case regarding Hungary and Slovakia:
E.U. Countries Must Accept Their Share of Migrants, Court Rules

Other countries weren't happy, either:
European Union Asks Member Countries to Accept Quotas of Migrants

Spain is now the one expected to bend the knee. Italy and Greece said no more:
Rescue ships dock in Spain as migrant debate roils Europe

That is different from protecting the borders.
That refers to the Dublin treaty or what its called something Hungary and Slovakia has agreed to.
And want to Slav their way out of now. But that doesn't stop Spain from closing its borders. The Spanish people just voted in a left-wing government that doesn't close the borders. That has nothing to do with the EU.

The above is just to help Greece and Italy.
Just another thing Germany does for them because those two can't protect their own borders.
There needs to be a 100ft high wall around Europe. If they can make it past that they can live there.
If western europe had the actual will to protect it's borders, no 100ft high wall will be needed