Economy Huge veiny shaft found in Africa


Never had to deal with someone younger then I, 78" you say?
Just assumed you were a 16 yr old girl the way you acted in that thread, now following me here being weird... now it's really weird if you're older than me.
Run along now boomer. (That better?)
The rate of return for Bitcoin is zero as no new value is created. If you sell your Bitcoin and make a return on it, it's only because someone else is going to have a a loss selling theirs later.
I mean, that makes zero sense. Anyway, enjoy your afternoon.
Realistically it's going to be exploited by a world power. I hope it's us rather than China.
Better US than China.

We need a bigger footprint in Africa yesterday.

It wont happen

Uganda depends on China and supports Russia politically and buys Russian mercenary services. Uganda also depends on the UAE and has ties to Israel.

The US is too disorganized to capitalize
If they found $13 trillion in gold in Uganda that shit is not worth $13 trillion anymore.
This is all bull shit. I say this not just as a gold investor but anyone with any common sense can do the math.

“The Ugandan government’s recent announcement of a $12 trillion gold discovery has generated a ton of domestic intrigue as well as a bit of foreign skepticism.

That’s because the $12 trillion amount is said to exceed the entire market capitalization of all gold ever mined in human history, according to a Canadian-online financial newsletter Pinnacle Digest.

That discovery, reported to be 320,000 metric tons, presents an implausible amount considering world production is just 3,000 metric tons annually. The amount of gold suddenly available to be mined in a country slightly smaller than Oregon would, no doubt, create a precipitous reduction in gold value.”
I bet they can handle this ethically and will enrich the nation's people for decades to come...

And an American puppet is on its way...
Sounds like Uganda needs some Freedom.