How would you describe new wave Feminism?

I don't really have any experience with it in real life.

I only know about it from dudes on the internet blaming it for all their problems.
A terrible idea from terribly entitled women
made up of mostly disgusting hideous women who hate attractive women, or insecure women who hate being less than a man
made up of mostly disgusting hideous women who hate attractive women, or insecure women who hate being less than a man
This is a huge part of it, hot chicks who buy into this shit are in for a bad awakening.
my female rabbit needs feminism. my male rabbit keeps humping her.
In the macro, pushed to socially engineer women to have less babies(useless eaters) and, for the babies that were born, to have children raised by the state and not mothers.

Not the really the reason it was started, but lesbians love it. They are telling all the girls how creepy and rapey all of the straight men are. It helps them cock block straight guys.
The best description would be “only threatening if you’re a pussy.”

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