As a huge Condit fan, I said years ago how much I wanted to see them fight. It was one of my semantic points on what it means to be a "better striker."
No one is as clean of a technical striker as Wonderboy. Condit's success on the other hand, was a combination of his power being added to his wide spectrum of striking, from the high technical skill to deceptive and largely unorthodox strikes. So while Condit MAY see some success against guys Wonderboy wouldn't, just for having the versatility; Wonderboy could most likely defuse most approaches Condit would take against him.
Now, anyone with KO power can beat Wonderboy (see Pettis), it's less how powerful you are that dictates your chances, and more how sharp you are so you can land that clean strike. Condit is cleaner than most, so there's only really 2 ways it'll go. He either gets that shot and looks like Pettis, or he doesn't and looks like Neal. Up until that point, that fight will look like any striker vs Wonderboy fight: an absolute clinic.