how to keep someone mounted


Brown Belt
Aug 28, 2004
Reaction score
in training i keep getting rolled, i get a good takedown then mount, but they keep hooking my leg and bridging their hips up and rolling me over. how can i keep this from happening?
if they try to roll you to you're right,post with you're right hand and hook there neck with you're left hand.opposite for left.
Just stay after practice and work with somebody. Practice is the best way to improve.

I would say really just keep a good center of gravity and keep them busy, they can't throw you if they're trying to defend the armbar or whatever.
Athough I wouldn't recommend making a habbit of it I sometimes make use of a "butterfly mount" in order to keep my legs from getting tied up.
Stay low and if you can't post out with your hand, POST OUT WITH YOUR HEAD. The top of your head, NOT your face (for reasons which should be obvious). I picked this up off Roger Gracie (name drop) about 5 years ago and I use this all the time. I absolutely guarantee this will add to your game or your money back.
Hook your ankles in. I like to lock my ankles, stay high and fire some power shots.

If no striking (bah!) you can either use the same technique but stay very low and close to opponent. Good setup for arm triangle, key lock, gi choke, choke from top etc etc...
Like Wax... said use hands, if not head to balance you.

Tip. If you go for the low/close option, slide your hips down and insted of locking feet together, push downwards and hook your ankles under your opponents thighs, then go for submission.
If you want to stay mounted high on your opponent so you can strike as in MMA the best thing to to is hold his head up with one hand. This will control his body so he won't be able to bridge effectively. If you're in a pure grappling situation the best thing to do is get your hips low and grapevine his legs and spread them apart. Remember to control the head, and take it from there.
keep your knees under in his armpits and stay low
There's a few ways. Most defensive mount is to grapevine his legs from the top, keep your entire weight down on his face. Literally have your chest pinning down on his face. You can use your hands and forearms and lean on his face or cover his mouth. This will make him have to use his arms and fight for breath and space, and you can use this so work a simple side-choke or transition that into a arm-bar.

When you do go for a mount and rain down strikes you bring your knees up under his armpits and sit high on his chest. If he bucks simple bring your feet together under him and post wide with your hands. This way he won't be able to turn under you and work his legs in to get half-guard or guard. It will also ensure you have your hooks in already if he rolls and gives you his back. From here you can lean on his face and go for the grapevine again.

Just practice with a partner and work on alternating these two mounts while he works on his sweeps. The more you drill the better your base will be and the more confident you will be on top.
I'm surprised no one has suggested this so far... but if someone hooks my leg from mount, I immediately grab his other arm and pull up HARD. I then triangle my legs so I have a mounted triangle on him. If he's able to somehow roll me over during this process, I still have a triangle on him.
Sherdog_Mutt said:
I'm surprised no one has suggested this so far... but if someone hooks my leg from mount, I immediately grab his other arm and pull up HARD. I then triangle my legs so I have a mounted triangle on him. If he's able to somehow roll me over during this process, I still have a triangle on him.

you get the triangle from mount or do you triangle his legs so he is in your guard?
mmahamzah said:
you get the triangle from mount or do you triangle his legs so he is in your guard?

I get the triangle from the mount. I pull up on his head to finish the choke.

Alternatively, if he is somehow able to roll me off him, I still have a good ol' fashioned triangle on him which I then proceed to finish.
Waxwingslain said:
Stay low and if you can't post out with your hand, POST OUT WITH YOUR HEAD. The top of your head, NOT your face (for reasons which should be obvious). I picked this up off Roger Gracie (name drop) about 5 years ago and I use this all the time. I absolutely guarantee this will add to your game or your money back.

sorry, i just can't picture how you would post out on your head. I mean if the guy is rolling you to the side, by the time your head is on the ground close enough to post you are already rolled. Maybe you can explain that one a little better.
when he firs hooked the leg/arm defends by leaning and keeping a good base on the same side, or atleast that'swhat i do. Also what LCDforme had said, practice.
If someone hooks your legs from bottom mount, you can roll over to the side and with his feet anchored in yours, go for a toehold...
flyingknee16 said:
If someone hooks your legs from bottom mount, you can roll over to the side and with his feet anchored in yours, go for a toehold...
if your school allows foot holds.
S.D.Force said:
sorry, i just can't picture how you would post out on your head. I mean if the guy is rolling you to the side, by the time your head is on the ground close enough to post you are already rolled. Maybe you can explain that one a little better.

Er, my bad.

You have to keep your body low. Don't sit up with your back straight - I always find that makes me vulnerable to my opponent hooking his legs over my chest anyway.

Your knees should be high under your oppponent's armpits. The higher the better really. I often tap white belts out by squeezing their arms together with my knees and barring the nearest one to one side.

Your opponent grabs one arm. Stay low and lean over to the side where you don't have a base. This is the side he will roll you. Put your forehead down on the mat and don't let him roll you.

Return to mount when you can.

Try and get back to me.
hold the head question

one arm around the head/neck, body positioned slightly off center AWAY from the encircling arm. grape vine the legs. when he bridge/bucks pull with the grape vine on the leg that is on the side he is trying to throw you. sounds counter-inuitive, but it works awesome!