How to deal with anxiety-induced sleep deprivation?

All joking aside I've always found a rigorous strength training program helps get me back on track. I sleep far better when I stick to a program than when I slip up and take time off.

Followed by whiskey.
Have a routine....
A lot of the ppl itt have nailed it...
As someone with anxiety and that has had several sleeping problems due to anxiety, albeit not as hardcore as yours, I would recommend the following:

1. Have a sleeping routine: Do the exact same set of things right before going to sleep (or trying to go to sleep) that will train your brain to understand that your body needs to shut off at that moment.
2. Exercise 3-5 times a week (it helps more than you think)
3. Eat healthy
4. Eat 3+ hours before going to sleep
5. Drink two cups of tea before going to sleep: Chamomile + Linden
6. Try to pee before you go to sleep so you don't wake up to pee
7. Use aromatherapy bed spray on your bed and sheets
8. Take a shower before going to bed
9. Put your cellphone to charge in another room, NOT in your bedroom, do the same for all electronic devices
10. Turn on a white noise machine (a loud fan can work too) (I stay away from music... even relaxing music because it can change rythm and sway you out of sleep)
11. Don't do ANY other activities in your bedroom aside from sleeping (or having sex).... If you eat, watch TV or do any other activities your brain will not be properly trained. DON'T enter your bedroom unless you are going to sleep.
12. Once you're in bed start doing breathing exercises and meditation exercises.
13. If you keep thinking about stuff you need to do and that is keeping you from sleeping then buy yourself an agenda and write down all the stuff you need to do and just check it at the same time every morning. Go to bed in peace knowing that you'll worry about those things early next day.
14. Anxiety can heighten your senses, buy a face mask to avoid any sensitivity to lighting
15. Don't ever look at the watch or have any way of knowing what the time is. Set an alarm and put it far away from the bed and put it facing the wall so that you can't see the time.
16. If you've done all these things and you're in bed and just cannot go to sleep try either: reading a book, STOP focusing on the fact that you're not falling asleep
17. Sleep with a chill temperature (below 70F preferred, but not too cold either) in the sleeping position that you're the most comfortable in and try using an air purifier as well.

You can try as many combinations of the things mentioned above... Hell, try them ALL at the same time

If none of those things work and you're in a critical state and really need to sleep you can try four emergency measurements:

1. Drink alcohol (I don't recommend this since alcohol will put you to sleep easily but your quality of sleep will not be good).
2. Use drugs (depending on what type of drugs these are, it may be better than alcohol)
3. Use an over-the-counter anxiolytic (this is the best emergency option in my opinion) like Mexazolam. This works wonders and will put you to sleep. However don't use it often (only in emergencies) not because it is harmful but because continuous use will make its effect become less and less potent and after a couple of uses it does nothing to you.
4. Have 2-3 rounds of sex. Make sure to ejaculate and get burnt out. This will knock you out easily. Usually 2 rounds are sufficient and you will be very sleepy very soon.
Have a routine....
A lot of the ppl itt have nailed it...
As someone with anxiety and that has had several sleeping problems due to anxiety, albeit not as hardcore as yours, I would recommend the following:

1. Have a sleeping routine: Do the exact same set of things right before going to sleep (or trying to go to sleep) that will train your brain to understand that your body needs to shut off at that moment.
2. Exercise 3-5 times a week (it helps more than you think)
3. Eat healthy
4. Eat 3+ hours before going to sleep
5. Drink two cups of tea before going to sleep: Chamomile + Linden
6. Try to pee before you go to sleep so you don't wake up to pee
7. Use aromatherapy bed spray on your bed and sheets
8. Take a shower before going to bed
9. Put your cellphone to charge in another room, NOT in your bedroom, do the same for all electronic devices
10. Turn on a white noise machine (a loud fan can work too) (I stay away from music... even relaxing music because it can change rythm and sway you out of sleep)
11. Don't do ANY other activities in your bedroom aside from sleeping (or having sex).... If you eat, watch TV or do any other activities your brain will not be properly trained. DON'T enter your bedroom unless you are going to sleep.
12. Once you're in bed start doing breathing exercises and meditation exercises.
13. If you keep thinking about stuff you need to do and that is keeping you from sleeping then buy yourself an agenda and write down all the stuff you need to do and just check it at the same time every morning. Go to bed in peace knowing that you'll worry about those things early next day.
14. Anxiety can heighten your senses, buy a face mask to avoid any sensitivity to lighting
15. Don't ever look at the watch or have any way of knowing what the time is. Set an alarm and put it far away from the bed and put it facing the wall so that you can't see the time.
16. If you've done all these things and you're in bed and just cannot go to sleep try either: reading a book, STOP focusing on the fact that you're not falling asleep
17. Sleep with a chill temperature (below 70F preferred, but not too cold either) in the sleeping position that you're the most comfortable in and try using an air purifier as well.

You can try as many combinations of the things mentioned above... Hell, try them ALL at the same time

If none of those things work and you're in a critical state and really need to sleep you can try four emergency measurements:

1. Drink alcohol (I don't recommend this since alcohol will put you to sleep easily but your quality of sleep will not be good).
2. Use drugs (depending on what type of drugs these are, it may be better than alcohol)
3. Use an over-the-counter anxiolytic (this is the best emergency option in my opinion) like Mexazolam. This works wonders and will put you to sleep. However don't use it often (only in emergencies) not because it is harmful but because continuous use will make its effect become less and less potent and after a couple of uses it does nothing to you.
4. Have 2-3 rounds of sex. Make sure to ejaculate and get burnt out. This will knock you out easily. Usually 2 rounds are sufficient and you will be very sleepy very soon.
and just like that, I'm ready for bed.
Drink til you pass out.
Take 0.5mg of melatonin and 750mg of GABA and thank me later!

Antihistamines and benzos interfere with deep sleep so while you may fall asleep faster, your sleep quality is impacted.
Don't use any screens for up to an hour before you try to fall asleep.

They have these meditation apps for free you can get. They really do help. Just put it on as you're about to go to bed. They are usually only about 5 minutes long.
Visit the War Room, read a couple of threads with topics of no particular importance, savour some of the mile long posts with a lefty slant, sleep like a baby.
I've used the War Room and incel threads in the Mayberry as free sleeping aid for a year now. Can recommend.
Nytol and masturbation.
Drain a little energy if you aren't fairly active already. A long nice brisk walk or jogging. I found that podcasts helped me a ton when I couldn't sleep from anxiety as well. Interesting enough to keep my thoughts busy and fixated on something else but not too interesting that I want to stay up to listen to it. Lowering the volume and finding your perfect levels helps a ton as well.
I came here to post this. I have trouble sleeping and CBD oil really does seem to help.
If you can try weighted blankets - they are a bit pricey but have helped as well.

It's a lot of trail and error - one thing may work for someone and not another.
Also, some sort of sports or physical activity helps to get rid of some of the nervous energy.

Have had a rotator/shoulder injury from BJJ in October and have been out since then. Nothing major (thank god) but a lot of wear and tear and it has been a slow process of rehabbing it to the point that I have decent range of motion and not as much pain when moving my arm.
That said there is no be all.

Last night was rough for me - trouble falling asleep and having to be up early for work. Today is going to be rough.
Sounds like your sleep problems are likely alcohol induced.

I drink alot too. I've learned to not stress about it, lay down and close your eyes. You'll feel fine even if you dont actually fall asleep
So for the past week or so I've pulled maybe 4 or 5 all-niters separated only by me blacking out on the floor or my bed during the day and waking up 12 hours later. What was keeping me up is done with now, but my sleep patterns are pretty fucked now and I feel light-headed whenever I go anywhere.

Anyways I'm a couple glasses of shitty champagne into the night so that I can hopefully wake up tomorrow normal time and maybe go to the gym and do Christmas shopping.

What do you do to get yourself back into a regular day-to-day life?

Accept the anxiety.... stop struggling with it so much. Take more of an "oh well, big whoop" attitude towards it and go on about your day - regardless of how exhausted you feel. Because fretting about it and mentally running down the labyrinthine ways to 'fix this' will only lead to more frustration and anxiety.

With your sleep: accept whatever you get when you start your day. When you're going to bed don't try to corral your thoughts on only positive things.... because they're just not going to go there when you're flooded with anxiety. And, in forcing yourself to do so will lead to more frustration, anxiety, exhaustion. So, let your mind go where it wants to while having the attitude of "so what". If you mind races when you close your eyes act as if it's a movie you're just watching/experiencing. So let it just race away as much as it likes to while having no expectations of where your mind should go. And you'll drift off into sleep eventually.
If it is anxiety induced, listen to a good comedian before bed. I’ve had nights like that, but during one of them a couple years ago I put on some bill Burr and he had me rolling.

It sounds counter-intuitive, but the laughter really relaxed me and I was able to sleep easy after that. I haven’t had the same sleep issues in a while, but i would keep going back to that if I did.
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